hwloc: move pkg-config based detection into Search phase

Issue #1753 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

the attacheched patch changes detect.sh such that pkg-config is treated on the same footing as the search at commonly known places. It also adds the option for the user to specify HWLOC_LIBS rather than hard-coding it to hwloc.

Keyword: hwloc

Comments (4)

  1. Roland Haas reporter
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    If one of the usual suspects would mind to have a look, please. I tested that I can use this version both when pkg-config is present and when HWLOC_DIR is set to BUILD.

  2. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    Also, note that there is another ticket about hwloc: #1717. That's not strictly the same issue, but whoever fixes one should know about the other.

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