The initial data used in arXiv: 1304.5544 are not downloadable now.

Issue #2139 open
anonymous created an issue

I tried to run the code and reproduce the examples in arXiv: 1304.5544 [gr-qc]. In the rotating core-collapse part, I found that once I tried to download the file "ID_A3_oct.h5.xz (221Mb)", "ID_A3_oct_64.h5.xz (388Mb)" and "ID_A3_oct_80.h5.xz (747Mb)" in, the website shows the following:

404 Not Found

Not Found The requested URL /~rhaas/ET/2013_MHD/collapse/ID_A3_oct.h5.xz was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80

Where can I download them?

Keyword: None

Comments (5)

  1. Steven R. Brandt
    • removed comment

    Roland, these dead links are still in the einsteintoolkit website. Can we replace or eliminate them?

  2. anonymous reporter
    • removed comment

    I think we cannot eliminate them as the data is still required and the page (may be) mentioned in the GRHydo MHD paper.

    As for replacing: yes we should replace them, if we actually had the data files anymore :-(

    There are private emails by Patrick Cheong who tried to use the data and could at that point apparently not post to the mailing list from April 2018.

    One needs to re-generate the data to use it using either the original (private) Whisky_RNSID or Hydro_RNSID in the ET.

  3. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    Yes probably. I have access to both codes. The files likely will not be exactly identical to the original ones since the cluster that was (likely) used has been retired.

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