GetComponents complains about Carpet/doc URL change whenever trying to update

Issue #214 resolved
Bruno Mundim created an issue


GetComponents complains about Carpet/doc URL change whenever trying to update. I erased Carpet directories and I did a clean checkout. When trying to update again, the previous complaint reappeared. Also a clean checkout of the whole tree is fine. The command used (on Ranger) and error message are the following:

./GetComponents -u -a -p --noshallow

Error: The URL for Carpet/doc has changed, please perform a clean checkout.



Comments (2)

  1. Bruno Mundim reporter
    • removed comment

    I forgot to mention: I am working with the mercurial version of Carpet. Not sure if it is related though.

  2. Eric Seidel
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    It seems that the verify_url command for mercurial did not include a cd to the repository, so hg would error out. I just submitted a fix to github. Thanks for pointing this out :)

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