Wrong error message for non-existing parameter file

Issue #243 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

I created a simulation specifying a parameter file that does not exist. The error message indicates that simfactory looks for the parameter file within its mdb directory. It should not; it should look for the parameter file relative to the current directory instead.

Submitting test job...[2011-01-27 14:35:26] Executing: ./simfactory/bin/sim --remote requin create-submit empty-requin-20 11.01.27-14.00.30 --parfile=par/empty.par --walltime=1:0:0 --procs=4 --num-threads=2DEBUG: Simfactory command: ./simfactory/bin/../lib/sim.py "--remote" "requin" "create-submit" "empty-requin-2011.01.27-14.00.30" "--parfile=par/empty.par" "--walltime=1:0:0" "--procs=4" "--num-threads=2"DEBUG: Version exportedThe Simulation Factory: Manage Cactus simulations

Info: defs: /home/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/etc/defs.ini Info: defs.local: /home/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/etc/defs. local.ini Executing command for remote machine: requinDEBUG: Simfactory command: /work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/ bin/../lib/sim.py "create-submit" "empty-requin-2011.01.27-14.00.30" "--parfile= par/empty.par" "--procs=4" "--walltime=1:0:0" "--num-threads=2" DEBUG: Version exported The Simulation Factory: Manage Cactus simulations Info: defs: /req-sfs/work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/etc/defs.ini Info: defs.local: /req-sfs/work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/e tc/defs.local.ini Cactus Directory: /req-sfs/work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla Info: simenv.COMMAND: create-submit Info: Executing command: create_submitdoes not exist Error: specified parfile /req-sfs/work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfa ctory/mdb/parfiles/par/empty.par does not exist or is not readableInfo: executing command: /bin/bash -c '{ :; } && { { :; } && { :; } && ssh -Y -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/etc/ssh _known_hosts eschnett@requin.sharcnet.ca '\''cd /work/eschnett && cd /work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla && /work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/sim factory/bin/sim '\''\'\'''\''create-submit'\''\'\'''\'' '\''\'\'''\''empty-requ in-2011.01.27-14.00.30'\''\'\'''\'' --parfile=par/empty.par --procs=4 --walltime

1:0:0 --num-threads=2'\''; }'

Error 256 occured while executing command "/bin/bash -c '{ :; } && { { :; } && { :; } && ssh -Y -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/etc/ssh_known_hosts eschnett@requin.sharcnet.ca '\''cd /work/eschnet t && cd /work/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg-vanilla && /work/eschnett/EinsteinTool kit-hg-vanilla/simfactory/bin/sim '\''\'\'''\''create-submit'\''\'\'''\'' '\''\ '\'''\''empty-requin-2011.01.27-14.00.30'\''\'\'''\'' --parfile=par/empty.par -- procs=4 --walltime=1:0:0 --num-threads=2'\''; }'" [2011-01-27 14:35:28]


Comments (3)

  1. anonymous
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    this has been fixed as of revision r1162.

    if specified parfile/optionlist/thornlist/etc is a relative path, eg, doesnt start with /, and looking in specified base_path (either simenv.ETC_PATH, or simenv.MDB_BASE_PATH) + specified path doesnt work, try looking in os.getcwd() + specified_path.

  2. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    Looking in cwd should have precedence over looking in the mdb, so that the mdb can be overwritten.

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