re-gerenate Kranc based thorns for release

Issue #377 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

Kranc has changed since the last release. updating WeylScal4 and McLachlan for the next release would make sense.

As a side affect this would fix testsuite ML_BSSN_Test/gw3d_McLaclan_ord4_15 which uses thorn Periodic but does not currently select boundary conditions for McMlachlan's variables. IE. the following block is missing:

ML_BSSN::ML_curv_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_dtlapse_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_dtshift_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_Gamma_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_lapse_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_log_confac_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_metric_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_shift_bound = "none" ML_BSSN::ML_trace_curv_bound = "none"


Comments (2)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    I think the auto-generated code should always correspond to the current version of Kranc.

    I have updated WeylScal4 and McLachlan.

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