GetComponents chokes on thorn list using DOS EOL characters in !DEFINEs

Issue #482 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

the attached file uses DOS EOL conventions (ie. \r\n instead of the Unix typical \n) gives error messages:

[rhaas3@phys44230 rhaas3]$ ./GetComponents --root dos --parallel Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at ./GetComponents line 663. Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at ./GetComponents line 663. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Checking out module: Cactus from repository: into: dos as: .

----------------------------------------------------------------- Checking out module: CactusBase/Boundary from repository: into: dos/arrangements : No such file or directoryments

Warning: Could not checkout module CactusBase/Boundary <some more of the same> ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 components checked out. 0 components updated.

Unable to process CactusBase/Boundary Unable to process CactusBase/CartGrid3D Unable to process CactusBase/CoordBase Unable to process CactusBase/InitBase Unable to process CactusBase/IOUtil Unable to process CactusBase/SymBase Unable to process CactusBase/Time Unable to process CactusNumerical/MoL Unable to process CactusBase/LocalInterp Unable to process CactusUtils/NaNChecker Unable to process CactusNumerical/Periodic Unable to process CactusUtils/Formaline Unable to process CactusNumerical/Slab

Summary of Warnings:

Could not checkout module CactusBase/Boundary

Could not checkout module CactusBase/CartGrid3D

Could not checkout module CactusBase/CoordBase

Could not checkout module CactusBase/InitBase

Could not checkout module CactusBase/IOUtil

Could not checkout module CactusBase/SymBase

Could not checkout module CactusBase/Time

Could not checkout module CactusNumerical/MoL

Could not checkout module CactusBase/LocalInterp

Could not checkout module CactusUtils/NaNChecker

Could not checkout module CactusNumerical/Periodic

Could not checkout module CactusUtils/Formaline

Could not checkout module CactusNumerical/Slab

Time Elapsed: 0 minutes, 8 seconds

This is due to a \r which becomes part of the ARRANGEMENTS !DEFINE.

A simple solution might be for GetComponents to remove whitespace from end of input lines via a:

diff --git a/GetComponents b/GetComponents index 133487e..5e801f3 100755 --- a/GetComponents +++ b/GetComponents @@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ sub parse_list { my @lines = <$COMPONENT_LIST>; close($COMPONENT_LIST);

+ # convert CRNL and CR to newline (for lists generated by windows and macs) + map s/(\r\n|\r)/\n/gm, @lines; +

  1. handle includes my $i = -1; foreach my $line (@lines) {

Note that his renders the CRtoNL regex on $file below useless (I am also not sure to what extent we need $orig_file to have the native EOL character).


Comments (3)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    I agree, \r are a problem if they are only removed after the defines are handled. Please test the attached patch.

  2. Peter Diener
    • removed comment

    I was able to reproduce the problem and confirm that the patch fixes it. I have not seen any side effects when checking out non-dos thornlists.

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