Build error in PITTNullCode/NullSHRExtract

Issue #571 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

The thorn PITTNullCode/NullSHRExtract leads to Fortran compile errors for me:

Preprocessing /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/arrangements/PITTNullCode/NullSHRExtract/src/NullSHRE_Pointing.F90 Compiling /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/arrangements/PITTNullCode/NullSHRExtract/src/NullSHRE_Pointing.F90 /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/arrangements/PITTNullCode/NullSHRExtract/src/NullSHRE_Pointing.F90:160.24:

call NullSHRE_Pointing(cctk_dim,cctk_gsh,cctk_lsh,cctk_lbnd,cctk_ubnd,cctk_ls 1 Error: Dummy argument 'wt_detg' of procedure 'nullshre_pointing' at (1) has an attribute that requires an explicit interface for this procedure /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/arrangements/PITTNullCode/NullSHRExtract/src/NullSHRE_Pointing.F90:218.24:

call NullSHRE_Pointing(cctk_dim,cctk_gsh,cctk_lsh,cctk_lbnd,cctk_ubnd,cctk_ls 1 Error: Dummy argument 'wt_detg' of procedure 'nullshre_pointing' at (1) has an attribute that requires an explicit interface for this procedure make[3]: * [NullSHRE_Pointing.F90.o] Error 1 make[2]: * [make.checked] Error 2 make[1]: * [/Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/configs/sim-debug/lib/libthorn_NullSHRExtract.a] Error 2

This is with gfortran 4.5. Looking at the source code, I see that the grid variable wt_detg is declared with a "target" attribute in one of the routines.


Comments (2)

  1. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • removed comment

    I am using gfortran 4.5.3. The option -fwhole-file seems to be necessary to detect this problem.

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