Einstein toolkit installation problems

Issue #576 resolved
V M created an issue


I am trying to install the Einstein toolkit. I followed the instructions on the wiki (improved tutorial for new users)

i am using the following command to build the configuration: ./simfactory/bin/sim build firsttry --thornlist=manifest/einsteintoolkit.th --optionlist=/home/vass/.cactus/config

there are compilation errors of F77 sourcefiles, i tried both gfortran and the older g77 compiler, both give me numerous errors. I am using Ubuntu 11.04 x64...

this is my configuration file (for some reason, cactus won't find gfortran unless i specify it in the configuration file, which i believe it should?):

CPP = cpp FPP = cpp CC = gcc CXX = g++ F77 = gfortran F90 = gfortran ffppflags= -traditional


here are the error messages when trying to build:

above here it is building zlib and HDF5 and so on..i think these are all build correctly..

Checking consistency... Creating Thorn-Flesh bindings... Creating implementation bindings... Creating parameter bindings... Creating variable bindings... Creating schedule bindings... Creating function bindings... CST finished. Checking status of thorn Boundary ______________ Checking status of thorn CoordBase ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMCoupling ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMMacros ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn AEILocalInterp ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn BLAS ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Fortran ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetLib ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IOUtil ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetEvolutionMask ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn zlib ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetMask ______________ Checking status of thorn GSL ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetTracker ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Constants ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CoordGauge ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn SphericalSurface ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn DistortedBHIVP ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EOSG_Base ______________ Preprocessing /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/DistortedBHIVP.F ______________ Compiling /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/DistortedBHIVP.F Preprocessing /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/Stab3d.F Compiling /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/Stab3d.F /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:476.6:

123 format(1x, 'Pars: amp',f8.5,' eta0',f8.5,' c',f8.5,' sigma',f8.5,' 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:476.6:

123 format(1x, 'Pars: amp',f8.5,' eta0',f8.5,' c',f8.5,' sigma',f8.5,' 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:477.6:

&n',i3) 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:477.6:

&n',i3) 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:519.2:

qf(i,j,k) = amp*(1.00000000000000d0+c*cos(phigrd(k))2)* 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:521.72:

$ /sigma2)))*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:522.2:

qfetaeta(i,j,k) = amp*(1.00000000000000d0+c*cos(phigrd(k)) 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:529.72:

$ )*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:530.2:

qfqq(i,j,k) = amp*(-1.00000000000000d0+n)*n*(1.00000000 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:538.72:

$ /sigma2)))*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:539.2:

qfphi(i,j,k) = -2.00000000000000d0*amp*c*cos(phigrd(k))*(exp(- 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:542.72:

$ )*sin(phigrd(k))*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:543.2:

qfphiphi(i,j,k) = -2.00000000000000d0*amp*c*cos(phigrd(k))2* 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:548.72:

$ sin(phigrd(k))2*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:105.6:

10 call usermv(cc,cn,cs,ce,cw,ct,cb,x,Ap,im,jm,km) 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:105.6:

10 call usermv(cc,cn,cs,ce,cw,ct,cb,x,Ap,im,jm,km) 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:138.4:

1 continue 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:138.4:

1 continue 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:181.72:

goto 10 1 Error: Label 10 referenced at (1) is never defined /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:181.72:

goto 10 1 Error: Label 10 referenced at (1) is never defined /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:194.72:

if (rnorm .gt. tol) goto 1 1 Error: Label 1 referenced at (1) is never defined make[3]: * [Stab3d.F.o] Error 1 make[3]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs.... /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:1289.6:

110 continue 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:1289.6:

110 continue 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:474.17:

write(*,123)amp,eta0,c,sigma,n 1 Error: FORMAT label 123 at (1) not defined Checking status of thorn EOSG_Polytrope ______________ make[3]: * [DistortedBHIVP.F.o] Error 1 make[2]: * [make.checked] Error 2 make[1]: * [/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/lib/libthorn_DistortedBHIVP.a] Error 2 make[1]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs....

as thornlist i am using the einsteintoolkit.th thornlist as downloaded.

the compilation errors are not exclusive to the distortedBHIVP file, when i comment this file to be build in the thornlist, other files won't be compiled as well...

might be a system error, as i already had problems downloading the toolkit, it wouldn't download completely, but left out LocalInterp and LocalReduce for some strange reason.

Keyword: fortran Keyword: 77 Keyword: compilation Keyword: errors

Comments (16)

  1. anonymous
    • removed comment

    Hello Vassilios,

    it seems to me as if there is an error during the preprocessing. E.g. in the arrangements sub-directory, I have:

    [snip] 123 format(1x, 'Pars: amp',f8.5,' eta0',f8.5,' c',f8.5,' sigma',f8.5,' n',i3) [snip]

    so the format statement in one line, but in config/build sub-directory th/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.fe code has changed to:

    [snip] 123 format(1x, 'Pars: amp',f8.5,' eta0',f8.5,' c',f8.5,' sigma',f8.5,' & n',i3) [snip]

    Can you please check the file:


    (in you environment this should be


    whether it is conctructed correctly in a F77 kind of manner?

    Best wishes



    Replying to [ticket:576 Vassilios Mewes]:


    I am trying to install the Einstein toolkit. I followed the instructions on the wiki (improved tutorial for new users)

    i am using the following command to build the configuration: ./simfactory/bin/sim build firsttry --thornlist=manifest/einsteintoolkit.th --optionlist=/home/vass/.cactus/config

    there are compilation errors of F77 sourcefiles, i tried both gfortran and the older g77 compiler, both give me numerous errors. I am using Ubuntu 11.04 x64...

    this is my configuration file (for some reason, cactus won't find gfortran unless i specify it in the configuration file, which i believe it should?):

    CPP = cpp FPP = cpp CC = gcc CXX = g++ F77 = gfortran F90 = gfortran ffppflags= -traditional


    here are the error messages when trying to build:

    above here it is building zlib and HDF5 and so on..i think these are all build correctly..

    Checking consistency... Creating Thorn-Flesh bindings... Creating implementation bindings... Creating parameter bindings... Creating variable bindings... Creating schedule bindings... Creating function bindings... CST finished. Checking status of thorn Boundary ______________ Checking status of thorn CoordBase ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMCoupling ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMMacros ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn AEILocalInterp ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn BLAS ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Fortran ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetLib ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IOUtil ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetEvolutionMask ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn zlib ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetMask ______________ Checking status of thorn GSL ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetTracker ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Constants ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CoordGauge ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn SphericalSurface ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn DistortedBHIVP ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EOSG_Base ______________ Preprocessing /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/DistortedBHIVP.F ______________ Compiling /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/DistortedBHIVP.F Preprocessing /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/Stab3d.F Compiling /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/src/Stab3d.F /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:476.6:

    123 format(1x, 'Pars: amp',f8.5,' eta0',f8.5,' c',f8.5,' sigma',f8.5,' 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:476.6:

    123 format(1x, 'Pars: amp',f8.5,' eta0',f8.5,' c',f8.5,' sigma',f8.5,' 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:477.6:

    &n',i3) 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:477.6:

    &n',i3) 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:519.2:

    qf(i,j,k) = amp*(1.00000000000000d0+c*cos(phigrd(k))2)* 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:521.72:

    $ /sigma2)))*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:522.2:

    qfetaeta(i,j,k) = amp*(1.00000000000000d0+c*cos(phigrd(k)) 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:529.72:

    $ )*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:530.2:

    qfqq(i,j,k) = amp*(-1.00000000000000d0+n)*n*(1.00000000 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:538.72:

    $ /sigma2)))*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:539.2:

    qfphi(i,j,k) = -2.00000000000000d0*amp*c*cos(phigrd(k))*(exp(- 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:542.72:

    $ )*sin(phigrd(k))*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:543.2:

    qfphiphi(i,j,k) = -2.00000000000000d0*amp*c*cos(phigrd(k))2* 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:548.72:

    $ sin(phigrd(k))2*sin(qgrd(j))n 1 Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:105.6:

    10 call usermv(cc,cn,cs,ce,cw,ct,cb,x,Ap,im,jm,km) 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:105.6:

    10 call usermv(cc,cn,cs,ce,cw,ct,cb,x,Ap,im,jm,km) 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:138.4:

    1 continue 1 Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:138.4:

    1 continue 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:181.72:

    goto 10 1 Error: Label 10 referenced at (1) is never defined /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:181.72:

    goto 10 1 Error: Label 10 referenced at (1) is never defined /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/Stab3d.f:194.72:

    if (rnorm .gt. tol) goto 1 1 Error: Label 1 referenced at (1) is never defined make[3]: * [Stab3d.F.o] Error 1 make[3]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs.... /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:1289.6:

    110 continue 1 Error: Bad continuation line at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:1289.6:

    110 continue 1 Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/build/DistortedBHIVP/DistortedBHIVP.f:474.17:

    write(*,123)amp,eta0,c,sigma,n 1 Error: FORMAT label 123 at (1) not defined Checking status of thorn EOSG_Polytrope ______________ make[3]: * [DistortedBHIVP.F.o] Error 1 make[2]: * [make.checked] Error 2 make[1]: * [/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/lib/libthorn_DistortedBHIVP.a] Error 2 make[1]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs....

    as thornlist i am using the einsteintoolkit.th thornlist as downloaded.

    the compilation errors are not exclusive to the distortedBHIVP file, when i comment this file to be build in the thornlist, other files won't be compiled as well...

    might be a system error, as i already had problems downloading the toolkit, it wouldn't download completely, but left out LocalInterp and LocalReduce for some strange reason.

  2. V M reporter
    • removed comment

    Hello Alexander,

    when compiling this file alone, both compilers give me the same errors as before, so something is not in order with the syntax..where should i look into trying to find out where this file is being produced incorrectly?

    best wishes,


  3. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    You seem to have a typo in the config file:

    ffppflags= -traditional should be

    fppflags = -traditional I believe (single 'f').

    maybe that solves your problem.

  4. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    Is there a way to get Cactus to check the config file for unrecognised values? At the moment I think not. Could we have a mechanism where thorns registered the values that they looked at in the config file, and thus Cactus could build up a complete list of allowed values?

  5. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    It should be FPPFLAGS, i.e. upper case. You can look at some other configuration files for examples. If you use copy-and-paste, you can avoid typos.

    Please ensure as well that gcc, g++, and gfortran are from the same compiler version; otherwise they won't work together well.

  6. V M reporter
    • removed comment


    it was the FPPFLAGS that caused the error, sorry for being stupid and having a typo causing problems... having solved that, there is an additional issue that then came up:

    when compiling, i get errors for lorene and the FFTW3:

    Using configuration: firsttry Updated thorn list for configuration firsttry Building firsttry ______________ Cactus - version: 4.0.b17 Building configuration firsttry ______________ Reconfiguring thorns Reading ThornList... Parsing configuration files... Parsing interface files... ADM Implements: adm Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal CoordGauge boundary ADMMacros Grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 12 Private variable groups ADMAnalysis Implements: ADMAnalysis Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal Grid ADMMacros 6 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ADMBase Implements: ADMBase Inherits: grid 9 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ADMConstraints Implements: admconstraints Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal SpaceMask grid ADMMacros Friend of: ADMCoupling 3 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ADMCoupling Implements: ADMCoupling 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ADMMacros Implements: ADMMacros 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups AEILocalInterp Implements: AEILocalInterp 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups AHFinder Implements: AHFinder Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal SpaceMask Grid IO ADMMacros 6 Public, 0 Protected, 10 Private variable groups AHFinderDirect Implements: AHFinderDirect Inherits: Grid ADMBase StaticConformal SpaceMask SphericalSurface IO 0 Public, 0 Protected, 5 Private variable groups BLAS Implements: BLAS 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Boundary Implements: boundary 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Cactus Implements: Cactus 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CalcK Implements: CalcK Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal 0 Public, 0 Protected, 3 Private variable groups Carpet Implements: Driver 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups CarpetEvolutionMask Implements: CarpetEvolutionMask 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CarpetIOASCII Implements: IOASCII 0 Public, 0 Protected, 3 Private variable groups CarpetIOBasic Implements: IOBasic Inherits: IO 0 Public, 0 Protected, 3 Private variable groups CarpetIOHDF5 Implements: IOHDF5 0 Public, 0 Protected, 6 Private variable groups CarpetIOScalar Implements: IOScalar 0 Public, 0 Protected, 3 Private variable groups CarpetInterp Implements: interp 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CarpetInterp2 Implements: interp2 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CarpetLib Implements: CarpetLib 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CarpetMask Implements: CarpetMask Inherits: grid SphericalSurface 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CarpetReduce Implements: reduce 0 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups CarpetRegrid Implements: CarpetRegrid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CarpetRegrid2 Implements: CarpetRegrid2 4 Public, 0 Protected, 6 Private variable groups CarpetSlab Implements: Hyperslab 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CarpetTracker Implements: CarpetTracker Inherits: SphericalSurface CarpetRegrid2 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CartGrid3D Implements: grid Inherits: coordbase 2 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Cartoon2D Implements: cartoon2d 0 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups Constants Implements: Constants 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CoordBase Implements: CoordBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups CoordGauge Implements: CoordGauge 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Dissipation Implements: Dissipation Inherits: grid SphericalSurface SpaceMask 0 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups DistortedBHIVP Implements: distortedbhivp Inherits: ADMBase grid StaticConformal 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups EHFinder Implements: ehfinder Inherits: grid admbase coordgauge staticconformal spacemask boundary 0 Public, 0 Protected, 54 Private variable groups EOSG_Base Implements: EOSBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EOSG_Hybrid Implements: EOS_GeneralHybrid Inherits: HydroBase Friend of: EOS_GeneralPolytrope 0 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups EOSG_IdealFluid Implements: EOS_IdealFluid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EOSG_Polytrope Implements: EOS_GeneralPolytrope 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EOS_Base Implements: EOS_Base 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EOS_Hybrid Implements: EOS_Hybrid Inherits: HydroBase EOS_2d_Polytrope 0 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups EOS_IdealFluid Implements: EOS_Ideal_Fluid Inherits: EOS_Base 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EOS_Omni Implements: EOS_Omni Inherits: 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EOS_Polytrope Implements: EOS_2d_Polytrope Inherits: EOS_Base 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EllBase Implements: ellbase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups EllSOR Implements: ellsor Inherits: ellbase boundary 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Exact Implements: exact Inherits: admbase grid coordgauge staticconformal Friend of: ADMCoupling 0 Public, 2 Protected, 3 Private variable groups Extract Implements: extract Inherits: grid ADMBase staticconformal io 0 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups Formaline Implements: Formaline 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Fortran Implements: Fortran 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups GRHydro Implements: GRHydro Inherits: ADMBase Boundary SpaceMask ADMMacros Tmunubase HydroBase 25 Public, 0 Protected, 33 Private variable groups GRHydro_InitData Implements: GRHydro_init_data Inherits: GRHydro grid 0 Public, 3 Protected, 1 Private variable groups GSL Implements: GSL 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups GenericFD Implements: GenericFD 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups HDF5 Implements: HDF5 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups HTTPD Implements: HTTPD Inherits: Socket 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups HTTPDExtra Implements: http_utils 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups HydroBase Implements: HydroBase Inherits: InitBase 10 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Hydro_Analysis Implements: Hydro_Analysis Inherits: Grid HydroBase 6 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Hydro_InitExcision Implements: Hydro_InitExcision Inherits: HydroBase Grid SpaceMask 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDAnalyticBH Implements: idanalyticbh Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal Grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDAxiBrillBH Implements: idaxibrillbh Inherits: ADMBase grid StaticConformal 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDAxiOddBrillBH Implements: axiodd Inherits: ADMBase grid StaticConformal 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups IDBrillData Implements: IDBrillData Inherits: grid ADMBase StaticConformal ellbase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups IDConstraintViolate Implements: idconstraintviolate Inherits: admbase grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDFileADM Implements: IDFileADM Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal IO 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDLinearWaves Implements: idlinearwaves Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal Grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDScalarWave Implements: idscalarwave Inherits: wavetoy grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDScalarWaveC Implements: idscalarwave Inherits: wavetoy grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDScalarWaveCXX Implements: idscalarwave Inherits: wavetoy grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IDScalarWaveElliptic Implements: IDScalarWaveElliptic Inherits: Grid WaveToy EllBase IDScalarWave 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups IOASCII Implements: IOASCII 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IOBasic Implements: IOBasic Inherits: IO 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups IOHDF5 Implements: IOHDF5 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IOHDF5Util Implements: IOHDF5Util Inherits: IO 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IOJpeg Implements: IOJpeg Inherits: IO 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups IOUtil Implements: IO 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups InitBase Implements: InitBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups InterpToArray Implements: InterpToArray 7 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups LAPACK Implements: LAPACK 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups LORENE Implements: LORENE 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups LegoExcision Implements: legoexcision Inherits: spacemask grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups LocalInterp Implements: LocalInterp 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups LocalReduce Implements: LocalReduce 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups LoopControl Implements: LoopControl 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ML_ADMConstraints Implements: ML_ADMConstraints Inherits: ADMBase TmunuBase Grid GenericFD Boundary 2 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ML_ADMQuantities Implements: ML_ADMQuantities Inherits: ADMBase ML_BSSN TmunuBase Grid GenericFD Boundary 2 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ML_BSSN Implements: ML_BSSN Inherits: ADMBase TmunuBase Grid GenericFD Boundary 23 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ML_BSSN_Helper Implements: ML_BSSN_Helper Inherits: ADMBase CoordGauge ML_BSSN 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ML_BSSN_O2 Implements: ML_BSSN_O2 Inherits: ADMBase TmunuBase Grid GenericFD Boundary 23 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ML_BSSN_O2_Helper Implements: ML_BSSN_O2_Helper Inherits: ADMBase CoordGauge ML_BSSN_O2 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups ML_BSSN_Test Implements: ML_BSSN_Test 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Meudon_Bin_BH Implements: ID_Bin_BH Inherits: grid SummationByParts ADMBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Meudon_Bin_NS Implements: Meudon_Bin_NS Inherits: grid SummationByParts ADMBase HydroBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Meudon_Mag_NS Implements: ID_Mag_NS Inherits: grid ADMBase HydroBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups MoL Implements: MethodOfLines 0 Public, 0 Protected, 8 Private variable groups Multipole Implements: multipole Inherits: Grid 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups NaNChecker Implements: NaNChecker Inherits: Reduce 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups NewRad Implements: NewRad 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Nice Implements: nice 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups NoExcision Implements: NoExcision Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal grid SphericalSurface Boundary 0 Public, 0 Protected, 16 Private variable groups NoMPI Implements: NoMPI 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Noise Implements: Noise Inherits: grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Norms Implements: Norms 0 Public, 0 Protected, 6 Private variable groups OpenSSL Implements: OpenSSL 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups PUGH Implements: Driver 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups PUGHInterp Implements: Interp 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups PUGHReduce Implements: Reduce 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups PUGHSlab Implements: Hyperslab 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Periodic Implements: Periodic 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups PunctureTracker Implements: PunctureTracker Inherits: ADMBase CarpetRegrid2 SphericalSurface 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups QuasiLocalMeasures Implements: QuasiLocalMeasures Inherits: ADMBase SphericalSurface TmunuBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 23 Private variable groups ReflectionSymmetry Implements: ReflectionSymmetry 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups RotatingDBHIVP Implements: rotatingdbhivp Inherits: ADMBase grid StaticConformal 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups RotatingSymmetry180 Implements: RotatingSymmetry180 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups RotatingSymmetry90 Implements: RotatingSymmetry90 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups SetMask_SphericalSurface Implements: SetMask_SphericalSurface Inherits: HydroBase SphericalSurface 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Slab Implements: Slab 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups SlabTest Implements: SlabTest Inherits: Slab 0 Public, 0 Protected, 6 Private variable groups Socket Implements: Socket 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups SpaceMask Implements: SpaceMask Inherits: grid 2 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups SphericalSurface Implements: SphericalSurface Inherits: grid 9 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups StaticConformal Implements: StaticConformal Inherits: grid 4 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups SummationByParts Implements: SummationByParts 2 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups SymBase Implements: SymBase 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups SystemStatistics Implements: SystemStatistics 0 Public, 0 Protected, 3 Private variable groups TATelliptic Implements: TATelliptic 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TGRtensor Implements: TGRtensor 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TOVSolver Implements: TOVSolver Inherits: GRHydro Constants 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TerminationTrigger Implements: TerminationTrigger 0 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups TestArrays Implements: Arrays 0 Public, 0 Protected, 35 Private variable groups TestComplex Implements: testcomplex 0 Public, 0 Protected, 6 Private variable groups TestCoordinates Implements: testgrid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups TestFortranDependencies1 Implements: TestFortranDependencies1 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestFortranDependencies2 Implements: TestFortranDependencies2 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestFpointerNULL Implements: TestFpointerNULL 0 Public, 0 Protected, 2 Private variable groups TestFreeF90 Implements: TestFreeF90 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestGlobalReduce Implements: testglobalreduce Inherits: grid 10 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestInclude1 Implements: include1 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestInclude2 Implements: include2 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestLocalReduce Implements: TestLocalReduce 2 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestLoop Implements: TestLoop Inherits: grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestReduce Implements: testreduce 0 Public, 0 Protected, 8 Private variable groups TestSchedule Implements: TestSchedule 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestStrings Implements: teststrings 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestTable Implements: TestTable 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestTimers Implements: testtimers 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TestTypes Implements: TestTypes 0 Public, 0 Protected, 11 Private variable groups Time Implements: time 1 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups TimerReport Implements: timerreport 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TmunuBase Implements: TmunuBase Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal Friend of: ADMCoupling 4 Public, 4 Protected, 0 Private variable groups TwoPunctures Implements: TwoPunctures Inherits: ADMBase StaticConformal grid 1 Public, 0 Protected, 1 Private variable groups Vectors Implements: Vectors 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WaveBinarySource Implements: binarysource Inherits: wavetoy grid 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WaveToyC Implements: wavetoy Inherits: grid 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WaveToyCXX Implements: wavetoy Inherits: grid 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WaveToyExtra Implements: wavetoyextra Inherits: wavetoy 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WaveToyF77 Implements: wavetoy Inherits: grid 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WaveToyF90 Implements: wavetoy Inherits: grid 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WaveToyFreeF90 Implements: wavetoy Inherits: grid 1 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups WeylScal4 Implements: WeylScal4 Inherits: admbase methodoflines Grid GenericFD Boundary 2 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups libjpeg Implements: libjpeg 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups zlib Implements: zlib 0 Public, 0 Protected, 0 Private variable groups Parsing parameter files... ADM 0 Global, 4 Restricted, 18 Private parameters ADMAnalysis 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 4 Private parameters ADMBase 0 Global, 17 Restricted, 0 Private parameters ADMConstraints 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 11 Private parameters ADMCoupling 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters ADMMacros 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters AEILocalInterp 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters AHFinder 0 Global, 2 Restricted, 87 Private parameters AHFinderDirect 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 153 Private parameters BLAS 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Boundary 0 Global, 8 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Cactus 0 Global, 6 Restricted, 14 Private parameters CalcK 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 6 Private parameters Carpet 0 Global, 4 Restricted, 70 Private parameters CarpetEvolutionMask 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 4 Private parameters CarpetIOASCII 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 59 Private parameters CarpetIOBasic 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 15 Private parameters CarpetIOHDF5 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 65 Private parameters CarpetIOScalar 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 7 Private parameters CarpetInterp 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 5 Private parameters CarpetInterp2 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 2 Private parameters CarpetLib 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 20 Private parameters CarpetMask 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 8 Private parameters CarpetReduce 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters CarpetRegrid 0 Global, 5 Restricted, 65 Private parameters CarpetRegrid2 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 92 Private parameters CarpetSlab 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters CarpetTracker 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 2 Private parameters CartGrid3D 0 Global, 23 Restricted, 10 Private parameters Cartoon2D 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 12 Private parameters Constants 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters CoordBase 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 44 Private parameters CoordGauge 0 Global, 2 Restricted, 1 Private parameters Dissipation 0 Global, 18 Restricted, 0 Private parameters DistortedBHIVP 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 11 Private parameters EHFinder 0 Global, 3 Restricted, 56 Private parameters EOSG_Base 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EOSG_Hybrid 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 3 Private parameters EOSG_IdealFluid 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 2 Private parameters EOSG_Polytrope 0 Global, 4 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EOS_Base 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EOS_Hybrid 0 Global, 3 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EOS_IdealFluid 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EOS_Omni 0 Global, 13 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EOS_Polytrope 0 Global, 4 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EllBase 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters EllSOR 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Exact 0 Global, 93 Restricted, 19 Private parameters Extract 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 30 Private parameters Formaline 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 26 Private parameters Fortran 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters GRHydro 0 Global, 82 Restricted, 0 Private parameters GRHydro_InitData 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 14 Private parameters GSL 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters GenericFD 0 Global, 5 Restricted, 0 Private parameters HDF5 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters HTTPD 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 22 Private parameters HTTPDExtra 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters HydroBase 0 Global, 12 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Hydro_Analysis 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 5 Private parameters Hydro_InitExcision 0 Global, 11 Restricted, 0 Private parameters IDAnalyticBH 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 23 Private parameters IDAxiBrillBH 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 20 Private parameters IDAxiOddBrillBH 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 17 Private parameters IDBrillData 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 31 Private parameters IDConstraintViolate 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 3 Private parameters IDFileADM 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters IDLinearWaves 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 11 Private parameters IDScalarWave 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 6 Private parameters IDScalarWaveC 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 6 Private parameters IDScalarWaveCXX 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 6 Private parameters IDScalarWaveElliptic 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 5 Private parameters IOASCII 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 35 Private parameters IOBasic 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 13 Private parameters IOHDF5 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 5 Private parameters IOHDF5Util 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters IOJpeg 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 33 Private parameters IOUtil 0 Global, 57 Restricted, 2 Private parameters InitBase 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters InterpToArray 0 Global, 91 Restricted, 0 Private parameters LAPACK 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters LORENE 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters LegoExcision 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 11 Private parameters LocalInterp 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters LocalReduce 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters LoopControl 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 34 Private parameters ML_ADMConstraints 0 Global, 6 Restricted, 0 Private parameters ML_ADMQuantities 0 Global, 7 Restricted, 0 Private parameters ML_BSSN 0 Global, 51 Restricted, 139 Private parameters ML_BSSN_Helper 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters ML_BSSN_O2 0 Global, 51 Restricted, 139 Private parameters ML_BSSN_O2_Helper 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters ML_BSSN_Test 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Meudon_Bin_BH 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters Meudon_Bin_NS 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters Meudon_Mag_NS 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters MoL 0 Global, 15 Restricted, 20 Private parameters Multipole 0 Global, 25 Restricted, 0 Private parameters NaNChecker 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 8 Private parameters NewRad 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Nice 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters NoExcision 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 27 Private parameters NoMPI 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Noise 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 7 Private parameters Norms 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 4 Private parameters OpenSSL 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters PUGH 0 Global, 4 Restricted, 55 Private parameters PUGHInterp 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters PUGHReduce 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters PUGHSlab 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Periodic 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 5 Private parameters PunctureTracker 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 10 Private parameters QuasiLocalMeasures 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 12 Private parameters ReflectionSymmetry 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 13 Private parameters RotatingDBHIVP 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 13 Private parameters RotatingSymmetry180 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 7 Private parameters RotatingSymmetry90 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 3 Private parameters SetMask_SphericalSurface 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 3 Private parameters Slab 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 2 Private parameters SlabTest 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Socket 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters SpaceMask 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters SphericalSurface 0 Global, 14 Restricted, 9 Private parameters StaticConformal 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters SummationByParts 0 Global, 23 Restricted, 0 Private parameters SymBase 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters SystemStatistics 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TATelliptic 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TGRtensor 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TOVSolver 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 27 Private parameters TerminationTrigger 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 7 Private parameters TestArrays 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 20 Private parameters TestComplex 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 3 Private parameters TestCoordinates 0 Global, 2 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestFortranDependencies1 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestFortranDependencies2 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestFpointerNULL 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestFreeF90 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestGlobalReduce 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 11 Private parameters TestInclude1 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestInclude2 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestLocalReduce 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 3 Private parameters TestLoop 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestReduce 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestSchedule 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestStrings 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestTable 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters TestTimers 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 1 Private parameters TestTypes 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 4 Private parameters Time 0 Global, 2 Restricted, 5 Private parameters TimerReport 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 11 Private parameters TmunuBase 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 5 Private parameters TwoPunctures 0 Global, 33 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Vectors 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters WaveBinarySource 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 5 Private parameters WaveToyC 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters WaveToyCXX 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters WaveToyExtra 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 2 Private parameters WaveToyF77 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters WaveToyF90 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters WaveToyFreeF90 0 Global, 1 Restricted, 0 Private parameters WeylScal4 0 Global, 12 Restricted, 1 Private parameters libjpeg 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters zlib 0 Global, 0 Restricted, 0 Private parameters Parsing schedule files... ADM 16 schedule blocks. ADMAnalysis 15 schedule blocks. ADMBase 23 schedule blocks. ADMConstraints 13 schedule blocks. ADMCoupling 0 schedule blocks. ADMMacros 1 schedule blocks. AEILocalInterp 1 schedule blocks. AHFinder 7 schedule blocks. AHFinderDirect 34 schedule blocks. BLAS 0 schedule blocks. Boundary 6 schedule blocks. Cactus 0 schedule blocks. CalcK 5 schedule blocks. Carpet 4 schedule blocks. CarpetEvolutionMask 7 schedule blocks. CarpetIOASCII 2 schedule blocks. CarpetIOBasic 2 schedule blocks. CarpetIOHDF5 10 schedule blocks. CarpetIOScalar 2 schedule blocks. CarpetInterp 1 schedule blocks. CarpetInterp2 0 schedule blocks. CarpetLib 3 schedule blocks. CarpetMask 3 schedule blocks. CarpetReduce 9 schedule blocks. CarpetRegrid 1 schedule blocks. CarpetRegrid2 2 schedule blocks. CarpetSlab 0 schedule blocks. CarpetTracker 1 schedule blocks. CartGrid3D 11 schedule blocks. Cartoon2D 6 schedule blocks. Constants 0 schedule blocks. CoordBase 1 schedule blocks. CoordGauge 8 schedule blocks. Dissipation 6 schedule blocks. DistortedBHIVP 2 schedule blocks. EHFinder 86 schedule blocks. EOSG_Base 1 schedule blocks. EOSG_Hybrid 3 schedule blocks. EOSG_IdealFluid 2 schedule blocks. EOSG_Polytrope 2 schedule blocks. EOS_Base 0 schedule blocks. EOS_Hybrid 2 schedule blocks. EOS_IdealFluid 1 schedule blocks. EOS_Omni 1 schedule blocks. EOS_Polytrope 1 schedule blocks. EllBase 1 schedule blocks. EllSOR 1 schedule blocks. Exact 12 schedule blocks. Extract 2 schedule blocks. Formaline 10 schedule blocks. Fortran 1 schedule blocks. GRHydro 93 schedule blocks. GRHydro_InitData 18 schedule blocks. GSL 0 schedule blocks. GenericFD 0 schedule blocks. HDF5 0 schedule blocks. HTTPD 7 schedule blocks. HTTPDExtra 1 schedule blocks. HydroBase 19 schedule blocks. Hydro_Analysis 6 schedule blocks. Hydro_InitExcision 4 schedule blocks. IDAnalyticBH 6 schedule blocks. IDAxiBrillBH 2 schedule blocks. IDAxiOddBrillBH 2 schedule blocks. IDBrillData 3 schedule blocks. IDConstraintViolate 2 schedule blocks. IDFileADM 2 schedule blocks. IDLinearWaves 8 schedule blocks. IDScalarWave 3 schedule blocks. IDScalarWaveC 2 schedule blocks. IDScalarWaveCXX 2 schedule blocks. IDScalarWaveElliptic 1 schedule blocks. IOASCII 3 schedule blocks. IOBasic 2 schedule blocks. IOHDF5 5 schedule blocks. IOHDF5Util 2 schedule blocks. IOJpeg 2 schedule blocks. IOUtil 4 schedule blocks. InitBase 0 schedule blocks. InterpToArray 1 schedule blocks. LAPACK 0 schedule blocks. LORENE 0 schedule blocks. LegoExcision 4 schedule blocks. LocalInterp 1 schedule blocks. LocalReduce 1 schedule blocks. LoopControl 1 schedule blocks. ML_ADMConstraints 13 schedule blocks. ML_ADMQuantities 13 schedule blocks. ML_BSSN 32 schedule blocks. ML_BSSN_Helper 14 schedule blocks. ML_BSSN_O2 32 schedule blocks. ML_BSSN_O2_Helper 14 schedule blocks. ML_BSSN_Test 0 schedule blocks. Meudon_Bin_BH 2 schedule blocks. Meudon_Bin_NS 1 schedule blocks. Meudon_Mag_NS 2 schedule blocks. MoL 74 schedule blocks. Multipole 3 schedule blocks. NaNChecker 4 schedule blocks. NewRad 0 schedule blocks. Nice 1 schedule blocks. NoExcision 23 schedule blocks. NoMPI 0 schedule blocks. Noise 3 schedule blocks. Norms 2 schedule blocks. OpenSSL 0 schedule blocks. PUGH 8 schedule blocks. PUGHInterp 1 schedule blocks. PUGHReduce 1 schedule blocks. PUGHSlab 0 schedule blocks. Periodic 2 schedule blocks. PunctureTracker 3 schedule blocks. QuasiLocalMeasures 3 schedule blocks. ReflectionSymmetry 2 schedule blocks. RotatingDBHIVP 2 schedule blocks. RotatingSymmetry180 3 schedule blocks. RotatingSymmetry90 3 schedule blocks. SetMask_SphericalSurface 2 schedule blocks. Slab 3 schedule blocks. SlabTest 1 schedule blocks. Socket 0 schedule blocks. SpaceMask 9 schedule blocks. SphericalSurface 7 schedule blocks. StaticConformal 1 schedule blocks. SummationByParts 4 schedule blocks. SymBase 5 schedule blocks. SystemStatistics 1 schedule blocks. TATelliptic 1 schedule blocks. TGRtensor 0 schedule blocks. TOVSolver 10 schedule blocks. TerminationTrigger 5 schedule blocks. TestArrays 2 schedule blocks. TestComplex 3 schedule blocks. TestCoordinates 3 schedule blocks. TestFortranDependencies1 0 schedule blocks. TestFortranDependencies2 0 schedule blocks. TestFpointerNULL 1 schedule blocks. TestFreeF90 0 schedule blocks. TestGlobalReduce 12 schedule blocks. TestInclude1 1 schedule blocks. TestInclude2 1 schedule blocks. TestLocalReduce 3 schedule blocks. TestLoop 2 schedule blocks. TestReduce 5 schedule blocks. TestSchedule 19 schedule blocks. TestStrings 1 schedule blocks. TestTable 1 schedule blocks. TestTimers 3 schedule blocks. TestTypes 2 schedule blocks. Time 7 schedule blocks. TimerReport 3 schedule blocks. TmunuBase 8 schedule blocks. TwoPunctures 3 schedule blocks. Vectors 0 schedule blocks. WaveBinarySource 1 schedule blocks. WaveToyC 7 schedule blocks. WaveToyCXX 7 schedule blocks. WaveToyExtra 3 schedule blocks. WaveToyF77 7 schedule blocks. WaveToyF90 7 schedule blocks. WaveToyFreeF90 7 schedule blocks. WeylScal4 20 schedule blocks. libjpeg 0 schedule blocks. zlib 0 schedule blocks. Running any thorn-provided configuration scripts... + set -e + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'BLAS selected, but BLAS_DIR not set. Checking some places...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + FILES='libblas.a libblas.so' + DIRS='/usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/lib/atlas /home/vass' + for file in '$FILES' + for dir in '$DIRS' + test -r /usr/lib/libblas.a + BLAS_DIR=/usr/lib + break + for file in '$FILES' + for dir in '$DIRS' + test -r /usr/lib/libblas.so + BLAS_DIR=/usr/lib + break + '[' -z /usr/lib ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Found BLAS in /usr/lib' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + '[' -z /usr/lib -o /usr/lib = BUILD ']' + '[' /usr/lib '!=' /usr/lib -a /usr/lib '!=' /usr/local/lib ']' + : blas + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_BLAS = 1' + echo 'BLAS_DIR = /usr/lib' + echo 'BLAS_INC_DIRS = ' + echo 'BLAS_LIB_DIRS = ' + echo 'BLAS_LIBS = blas' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(BLAS_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(BLAS_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(BLAS_LIBS)' BLAS selected, but BLAS_DIR not set. Checking some places... Found BLAS in /usr/lib Found a traditional Fortran cpp + set -e + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'GSL selected, but GSL_DIR not set. Checking some places...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + FILES=include/gsl/gsl_math.h + DIRS='/usr /usr/local /usr/local/gsl /usr/local/packages/gsl /usr/local/apps/gsl /home/vass c:/packages/gsl' + for dir in '$DIRS' + GSL_DIR=/usr + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/include/gsl/gsl_math.h ']' + '[' -n /usr ']' + break + '[' -z /usr ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Found GSL in /usr' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + '[' -z /usr -o /usr = BUILD ']' + '[' -x /usr/bin/gsl-config ']' + '[' /usr '!=' /usr -a /usr '!=' /usr/local ']' ++ /usr/bin/gsl-config --libs ++ sed -e 's/ \+-[^l][^ ]\+g;s/^ *-[^l][^ ]\+ *g;s/ \+-l/ /g;s/^ *-lg' + GSL_LIBS='gsl gslcblas m' + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_GSL = 1' + echo 'GSL_DIR = /usr' + echo 'GSL_INC_DIRS = ' + echo 'GSL_LIB_DIRS = ' + echo 'GSL_LIBS = gsl gslcblas m' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(GSL_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(GSL_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(GSL_LIBS)' GSL selected, but GSL_DIR not set. Checking some places... Found GSL in /usr + set -e + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'LAPACK selected, but LAPACK_DIR not set. Checking some places...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + FILES='liblapack.a liblapack.so' + DIRS='/usr/lib /usr/local/lib /home/vass' + for file in '$FILES' + for dir in '$DIRS' + test -r /usr/lib/liblapack.a + LAPACK_DIR=/usr/lib + break + for file in '$FILES' + for dir in '$DIRS' + test -r /usr/lib/liblapack.so + LAPACK_DIR=/usr/lib + break + '[' -z /usr/lib ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Found LAPACK in /usr/lib' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + '[' -z /usr/lib -o /usr/lib = BUILD ']' + '[' /usr/lib '!=' /usr/lib -a /usr/lib '!=' /usr/local/lib ']' + : lapack + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_LAPACK = 1' + echo 'LAPACK_DIR = /usr/lib' + echo 'LAPACK_INC_DIRS = ' + echo 'LAPACK_LIB_DIRS = ' + echo 'LAPACK_LIBS = lapack' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(LAPACK_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(LAPACK_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(LAPACK_LIBS)' LAPACK selected, but LAPACK_DIR not set. Checking some places... Found LAPACK in /usr/lib + set -e + '[' -z '' -o '' = BUILD ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Building libjpeg...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + THORN=libjpeg + NAME=jpeg-8c ++ dirname /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/libjpeg/libjpeg.sh + SRCDIR=/home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/libjpeg + BUILD_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/build/libjpeg + INSTALL_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/libjpeg + DONE_FILE=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/libjpeg + LIBJPEG_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/libjpeg + exec + set -x + set -e + cd /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch + '[' -e /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/libjpeg -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/libjpeg -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/libjpeg/dist/jpeg-8c.tar.gz -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/libjpeg -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/libjpeg/libjpeg.sh ']' + echo 'libjpeg: The enclosed libjpeg library has already been built; doing nothing' libjpeg: The enclosed libjpeg library has already been built; doing nothing + (( 0 )) + LIBJPEG_INC_DIRS=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/libjpeg/include + LIBJPEG_LIB_DIRS=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/libjpeg/lib + LIBJPEG_LIBS=jpeg + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_LIBJPEG = 1' + echo 'LIBJPEG_DIR = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/libjpeg' + echo 'LIBJPEG_INC_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/libjpeg/include' + echo 'LIBJPEG_LIB_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/libjpeg/lib' + echo 'LIBJPEG_LIBS = jpeg' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(LIBJPEG_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(LIBJPEG_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(LIBJPEG_LIBS)' Building libjpeg... + set -e + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'LORENE selected, but LORENE_DIR not set.' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + DIRS='/home/vass/Lorene /home/vass/Lorene /home/vass' + for dir in '$DIRS' + test -r /home/vass/Lorene/ + LORENE_DIR=/home/vass/Lorene + break + '[' -z /home/vass/Lorene ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Found LORENE in /home/vass/Lorene' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + '[' -z /home/vass/Lorene -o /home/vass/Lorene = BUILD ']' + LORENE_INC_DIRS='/home/vass/Lorene/Export/C++/Include /home/vass/Lorene/C++/Include' + LORENE_LIB_DIRS='/home/vass/Lorene/Lib ' + LORENE_LIBS='lorene_export lorene lorenef77 ' + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_LORENE = 1' + echo 'LORENE_DIR = /home/vass/Lorene' + echo 'LORENE_INC_DIRS = /home/vass/Lorene/Export/C++/Include /home/vass/Lorene/C++/Include' + echo 'LORENE_LIB_DIRS = /home/vass/Lorene/Lib ' + echo 'LORENE_LIBS = lorene_export lorene lorenef77 ' + echo 'HOME_LORENE = /home/vass/Lorene' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(LORENE_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(LORENE_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(LORENE_LIBS)' LORENE selected, but LORENE_DIR not set. Found LORENE in /home/vass/Lorene + set -e + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'OpenSSL selected, but OPENSSL_DIR not set. Checking some places...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + FILES='include/openssl/ssl.h lib/libssl.a lib/libcrypto.a' + DIRS='/usr /usr/local /opt/local' + for dir in '$DIRS' + OPENSSL_DIR=/usr + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h ']' + unset OPENSSL_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + OPENSSL_DIR=/usr/local + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/include/openssl/ssl.h ']' + unset OPENSSL_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + OPENSSL_DIR=/opt/local + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /opt/local/include/openssl/ssl.h ']' + unset OPENSSL_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'OpenSSL not found' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + '[' -z '' -o '' = BUILD ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Building OpenSSL...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + THORN=OpenSSL + NAME=openssl-1.0.0d ++ dirname /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/OpenSSL/OpenSSL.sh + SRCDIR=/home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/OpenSSL + BUILD_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/build/OpenSSL + INSTALL_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL + DONE_FILE=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/OpenSSL + OPENSSL_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL + exec + set -x + set -e + cd /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch + '[' -e /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/OpenSSL -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/OpenSSL -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/OpenSSL/dist/openssl-1.0.0d.tar.gz -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/OpenSSL -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/OpenSSL/OpenSSL.sh ']' + echo 'OpenSSL: The enclosed OpenSSL library has already been built; doing nothing' OpenSSL: The enclosed OpenSSL library has already been built; doing nothing + (( 0 )) + '[' /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL '!=' /usr -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL '!=' /usr/local ']' + OPENSSL_INC_DIRS=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL/include + OPENSSL_LIB_DIRS=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL/lib + OPENSSL_LIBS='ssl crypto' + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_OPENSSL = 1' + echo 'OPENSSL_DIR = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL' + echo 'OPENSSL_INC_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL/include' + echo 'OPENSSL_LIB_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/OpenSSL/lib' + echo 'OPENSSL_LIBS = ssl crypto' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(OPENSSL_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(OPENSSL_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(OPENSSL_LIBS)' OpenSSL selected, but OPENSSL_DIR not set. Checking some places... OpenSSL not found Building OpenSSL... + set -e + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'zlib selected, but ZLIB_DIR not set. Checking some places...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + FILES='include/zlib.h lib/libz.a' + DIRS='/usr /usr/local /usr/local/zlib /usr/local/packages/zlib /usr/local/apps/zlib /opt/local /home/vass /home/vass/zlib c:/packages/zlib' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/usr + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/include/zlib.h ']' + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/lib/libz.a ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/usr/local + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/usr/local/zlib + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/zlib/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/usr/local/packages/zlib + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/packages/zlib/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/usr/local/apps/zlib + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/apps/zlib/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/opt/local + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /opt/local/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/home/vass + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /home/vass/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=/home/vass/zlib + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /home/vass/zlib/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + ZLIB_DIR=c:/packages/zlib + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r c:/packages/zlib/include/zlib.h ']' + unset ZLIB_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'zlib not found' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + '[' -z '' -o '' = BUILD ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Building zlib...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + THORN=zlib + NAME=zlib-1.2.5 ++ dirname /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/zlib/zlib.sh + SRCDIR=/home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/zlib + BUILD_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/build/zlib + INSTALL_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib + DONE_FILE=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/zlib + ZLIB_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib + exec + set -x + set -e + cd /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch + '[' -e /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/zlib -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/zlib -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/zlib/dist/zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/zlib -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/zlib/zlib.sh ']' + echo 'zlib: The enclosed zlib library has already been built; doing nothing' zlib: The enclosed zlib library has already been built; doing nothing + (( 0 )) + '[' /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib = /usr -o /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib = /usr/local ']' + ZLIB_INC_DIRS=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib/include + ZLIB_LIB_DIRS=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib/lib + ZLIB_LIBS=z + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_ZLIB = 1' + echo 'ZLIB_DIR = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib' + echo 'ZLIB_INC_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib/include' + echo 'ZLIB_LIB_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/zlib/lib' + echo 'ZLIB_LIBS = z' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(ZLIB_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(ZLIB_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(ZLIB_LIBS)' zlib selected, but ZLIB_DIR not set. Checking some places... zlib not found Building zlib... + set -e + '[' -n '' ']' + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'HDF5 selected, but HDF5_DIR not set. Checking some places...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' ++ '[' gfortran '!=' none ']' ++ echo lib/libhdf5_fortran.a + FILES='include/hdf5.h lib/libhdf5.a lib/libhdf5_cpp.a lib/libhdf5_fortran.a lib/libhdf5_hl.a lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.a' + DIRS='/usr /usr/local /usr/local/hdf5 /usr/local/packages/hdf5 /usr/local/apps/hdf5 /opt/local /home/vass /home/vass/hdf5 c:/packages/hdf5' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/usr + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/include/hdf5.h ']' + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/lib/libhdf5.a ']' + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/lib/libhdf5_cpp.a ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/usr/local + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/usr/local/hdf5 + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/hdf5/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/usr/local/packages/hdf5 + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/packages/hdf5/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/usr/local/apps/hdf5 + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /usr/local/apps/hdf5/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/opt/local + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /opt/local/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/home/vass + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /home/vass/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=/home/vass/hdf5 + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r /home/vass/hdf5/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + for dir in '$DIRS' + HDF5_DIR=c:/packages/hdf5 + for file in '$FILES' + '[' '!' -r c:/packages/hdf5/include/hdf5.h ']' + unset HDF5_DIR + break + '[' -n '' ']' + '[' -z '' ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'HDF5 not found' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + '[' -z '' -o '' = BUILD ']' + echo 'BEGIN MESSAGE' + echo 'Building HDF5...' + echo 'END MESSAGE' + THORN=HDF5 + NAME=hdf5-1.8.6 ++ dirname /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/HDF5/HDF5.sh + SRCDIR=/home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/HDF5 + BUILD_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/build/HDF5 + INSTALL_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5 + DONE_FILE=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/HDF5 + HDF5_DIR=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5 + exec + set -x + set -e + cd /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch + '[' -e /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/HDF5 -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/HDF5 -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/HDF5/dist/hdf5-1.8.6.tar.gz -a /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/done/HDF5 -nt /home/vass/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/HDF5/HDF5.sh ']' + echo 'HDF5: The enclosed HDF5 library has already been built; doing nothing' HDF5: The enclosed HDF5 library has already been built; doing nothing + (( 0 )) + '[' /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5 = /usr -o /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5 = /usr/local ']' + HDF5_INC_DIRS='/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/include /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/lib' + HDF5_LIB_DIRS=/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/lib + HDF5_LIBS='hdf5_hl_cpp hdf5_hl hdf5_cpp hdf5_fortran hdf5' + perl -we 'exit (`uname` =~ /^CYGWIN/)' + is_windows=0 + perl -we 'exit (`uname` =~ /^Darwin/)' + is_macos=0 + grep -qe '#define H5_HAVE_LIBSZ 1' /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/include/H5pubconf.h + test_szlib=1 + '[' 1 -eq 0 ']' + grep -qe '#define H5_HAVE_LIBZ 1' /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/include/H5pubconf.h + test_zlib=0 + '[' 0 -eq 0 ']' + HDF5_LIB_DIRS='/home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/lib ' + '[' 0 -eq 0 ']' + HDF5_LIBS='hdf5_hl_cpp hdf5_hl hdf5_cpp hdf5_fortran hdf5 z' + '[' 0 -eq 0 ']' + HDF5_LIBS='hdf5_hl_cpp hdf5_hl hdf5_cpp hdf5_fortran hdf5 z m' + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'HAVE_HDF5 = 1' + echo 'HDF5_DIR = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5' + echo 'HDF5_INC_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/include /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/lib' + echo 'HDF5_LIB_DIRS = /home/vass/Cactus/configs/firsttry/scratch/external/HDF5/lib ' + echo 'HDF5_LIBS = hdf5_hl_cpp hdf5_hl hdf5_cpp hdf5_fortran hdf5 z m' + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION' + echo 'INCLUDE_DIRECTORY $(HDF5_INC_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY_DIRECTORY $(HDF5_LIB_DIRS)' + echo 'LIBRARY $(HDF5_LIBS)' HDF5 selected, but HDF5_DIR not set. Checking some places... HDF5 not found Building HDF5... Checking consistency... Creating Thorn-Flesh bindings... Creating implementation bindings... Creating parameter bindings... Creating variable bindings... Creating schedule bindings... Creating function bindings... CST finished. Checking status of thorn Boundary ______________ Checking status of thorn CoordBase ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMCoupling ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMMacros ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn AEILocalInterp ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn BLAS ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Fortran ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetLib ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IOUtil ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetEvolutionMask ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn zlib ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetMask ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn GSL ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetTracker ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Constants ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CoordGauge ______________ Checking status of thorn SphericalSurface ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn DistortedBHIVP ______________ Checking status of thorn EOSG_Base ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EOSG_Polytrope ______________ Checking status of thorn EOSG_IdealFluid ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EOS_Base ______________ Checking status of thorn EOS_IdealFluid ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EllBase ______________ Checking status of thorn Exact ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Extract ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Formaline ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn GRHydro_InitData ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn GenericFD ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Socket ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn HydroBase ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Hydro_InitExcision ______________ Checking status of thorn IDAnalyticBH ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDAxiBrillBH ______________ Checking status of thorn IDAxiOddBrillBH ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDConstraintViolate ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDFileADM ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDLinearWaves ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDScalarWave ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDScalarWaveC ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDScalarWaveCXX ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDScalarWaveElliptic ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IOASCII ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IOBasic ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn PUGH ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn libjpeg ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn InitBase ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn InterpToArray ______________ Checking status of thorn LAPACK ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn LegoExcision ______________ Checking status of thorn LocalInterp ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn LocalReduce ______________ Checking status of thorn ML_BSSN_Test ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn MoL ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Multipole ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn NaNChecker ______________ Checking status of thorn NewRad ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Nice ______________ Checking status of thorn NoExcision ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn NoMPI ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Noise ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Norms ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn OpenSSL ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn PUGHInterp ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn PUGHReduce ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn PUGHSlab ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Slab ______________ Checking status of thorn PunctureTracker ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TGRtensor ______________ Checking status of thorn ReflectionSymmetry ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn RotatingDBHIVP ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn RotatingSymmetry180 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn RotatingSymmetry90 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn SetMask_SphericalSurface ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn SlabTest ______________ Checking status of thorn StaticConformal ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn SummationByParts ______________ Checking status of thorn SymBase ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn SystemStatistics ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TATelliptic ______________ Checking status of thorn TerminationTrigger ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestArrays ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestComplex ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestCoordinates ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestFortranDependencies2 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestFpointerNULL ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestFreeF90 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestGlobalReduce ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestInclude1 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestInclude2 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestLocalReduce ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestLoop ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestReduce ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestSchedule ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestStrings ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestTable ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestTimers ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestTypes ______________ Checking status of thorn Time ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TimerReport ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TmunuBase ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TwoPunctures ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Vectors ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn WaveBinarySource ______________ Checking status of thorn WaveToyExtra ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn WeylScal4 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Cactus ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CactusBindings ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CartGrid3D ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Carpet ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn HDF5 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetIOScalar ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetInterp ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetInterp2 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn LoopControl ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetRegrid ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetRegrid2 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetSlab ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Dissipation ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EHFinder ______________ Checking status of thorn EOSG_Hybrid ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EOS_Polytrope ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EOS_Omni ______________ Checking status of thorn EllSOR ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn HTTPD ______________ Checking status of thorn Hydro_Analysis ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IDBrillData ______________ Checking status of thorn IOHDF5Util ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IOJpeg ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn LORENE ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ML_ADMConstraints ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ML_ADMQuantities ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ML_BSSN ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ML_BSSN_Helper ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ML_BSSN_O2 ______________ Checking status of thorn ML_BSSN_O2_Helper ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Meudon_Bin_BH ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Meudon_Bin_NS ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Meudon_Mag_NS ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Periodic ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn QuasiLocalMeasures ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn TestFortranDependencies1 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn WaveToyC ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn WaveToyCXX ______________ Checking status of thorn WaveToyF77 ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn WaveToyF90 ______________ Checking status of thorn WaveToyFreeF90 ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ADM ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMAnalysis ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn SpaceMask ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn AHFinder ______________ Checking status of thorn AHFinderDirect ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CalcK ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetIOASCII ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetIOBasic ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetIOHDF5 ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn CarpetReduce ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Cartoon2D ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn EOS_Hybrid ______________ Checking status of thorn GRHydro ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn HTTPDExtra ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn IOHDF5 ______________ Checking status of thorn TOVSolver ______________ ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn ADMConstraints ______________ ______________ Formaline: Committing source tree to git repository... Formaline: Created git tag build-firsttry-vass-Studio-1557-vass-2011.09.27-18.10.53-8983 Formaline: Updated git branch config-firsttry-vass-Studio-1557-home-vass-Cactus Formaline: Pushing source tree to master git repository... Formaline: Done. Formaline: (Formaline has finished updating the git repositories. Formaline: If the build process seems to hang, some other command Formaline: is still running, e.g. the final link stage.) ______________ Creating cactus_firsttry in /home/vass/Cactus/exe from CactusArchive/ADM EinsteinAnalysis/ADMAnalysis EinsteinBase/ADMBase EinsteinAnalysis/ADMConstraints EinsteinBase/ADMCoupling EinsteinBase/ADMMacros AEIThorns/AEILocalInterp EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinder EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect ExternalLibraries/BLAS CactusBase/Boundary EinsteinAnalysis/CalcK Carpet/Carpet Carpet/CarpetEvolutionMask Carpet/CarpetIOASCII Carpet/CarpetIOBasic Carpet/CarpetIOHDF5 Carpet/CarpetIOScalar Carpet/CarpetInterp Carpet/CarpetInterp2 Carpet/CarpetLib Carpet/CarpetMask Carpet/CarpetReduce Carpet/CarpetRegrid Carpet/CarpetRegrid2 Carpet/CarpetSlab Carpet/CarpetTracker CactusBase/CartGrid3D CactusNumerical/Cartoon2D EinsteinBase/Constants CactusBase/CoordBase EinsteinBase/CoordGauge CactusNumerical/Dissipation EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP EinsteinAnalysis/EHFinder EinsteinBase/EOSG_Base EinsteinEOS/EOSG_Hybrid EinsteinEOS/EOSG_IdealFluid EinsteinEOS/EOSG_Polytrope EinsteinBase/EOS_Base EinsteinEOS/EOS_Hybrid EinsteinEOS/EOS_IdealFluid EinsteinEOS/EOS_Omni EinsteinEOS/EOS_Polytrope CactusElliptic/EllBase CactusElliptic/EllSOR EinsteinInitialData/Exact EinsteinAnalysis/Extract CactusUtils/Formaline CactusBase/Fortran EinsteinEvolve/GRHydro EinsteinInitialData/GRHydro_InitData ExternalLibraries/GSL KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD ExternalLibraries/HDF5 CactusConnect/HTTPD CactusConnect/HTTPDExtra EinsteinBase/HydroBase EinsteinAnalysis/Hydro_Analysis EinsteinInitialData/Hydro_InitExcision EinsteinInitialData/IDAnalyticBH EinsteinInitialData/IDAxiBrillBH EinsteinInitialData/IDAxiOddBrillBH EinsteinInitialData/IDBrillData EinsteinInitialData/IDConstraintViolate EinsteinInitialData/IDFileADM EinsteinInitialData/IDLinearWaves CactusWave/IDScalarWave CactusWave/IDScalarWaveC CactusWave/IDScalarWaveCXX CactusWave/IDScalarWaveElliptic CactusBase/IOASCII CactusBase/IOBasic CactusPUGHIO/IOHDF5 CactusPUGHIO/IOHDF5Util CactusIO/IOJpeg CactusBase/IOUtil CactusBase/InitBase CactusNumerical/InterpToArray ExternalLibraries/LAPACK ExternalLibraries/LORENE EinsteinEvolve/LegoExcision CactusNumerical/LocalInterp CactusNumerical/LocalReduce Carpet/LoopControl McLachlan/ML_ADMConstraints McLachlan/ML_ADMQuantities McLachlan/ML_BSSN McLachlan/ML_BSSN_Helper McLachlan/ML_BSSN_O2 McLachlan/ML_BSSN_O2_Helper McLachlan/ML_BSSN_Test EinsteinInitialData/Meudon_Bin_BH EinsteinInitialData/Meudon_Bin_NS EinsteinInitialData/Meudon_Mag_NS CactusNumerical/MoL EinsteinAnalysis/Multipole CactusUtils/NaNChecker EinsteinEvolve/NewRad CactusUtils/Nice EinsteinInitialData/NoExcision CactusUtils/NoMPI CactusNumerical/Noise CactusNumerical/Norms ExternalLibraries/OpenSSL CactusPUGH/PUGH CactusPUGH/PUGHInterp CactusPUGH/PUGHReduce CactusPUGH/PUGHSlab CactusNumerical/Periodic AEIThorns/PunctureTracker LSUThorns/QuasiLocalMeasures CactusNumerical/ReflectionSymmetry EinsteinInitialData/RotatingDBHIVP CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry180 CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry90 EinsteinUtils/SetMask_SphericalSurface CactusNumerical/Slab CactusNumerical/SlabTest CactusConnect/Socket CactusNumerical/SpaceMask CactusNumerical/SphericalSurface EinsteinBase/StaticConformal LSUThorns/SummationByParts CactusBase/SymBase AEIThorns/SystemStatistics TAT/TATelliptic EinsteinUtils/TGRtensor EinsteinInitialData/TOVSolver CactusUtils/TerminationTrigger CactusTest/TestArrays CactusTest/TestComplex CactusTest/TestCoordinates CactusTest/TestFortranDependencies1 CactusTest/TestFortranDependencies2 CactusTest/TestFpointerNULL CactusTest/TestFreeF90 CactusTest/TestGlobalReduce CactusTest/TestInclude1 CactusTest/TestInclude2 CactusTest/TestLocalReduce CactusTest/TestLoop CactusTest/TestReduce CactusTest/TestSchedule CactusTest/TestStrings CactusTest/TestTable CactusTest/TestTimers CactusTest/TestTypes CactusBase/Time CactusUtils/TimerReport EinsteinBase/TmunuBase EinsteinInitialData/TwoPunctures LSUThorns/Vectors CactusWave/WaveBinarySource CactusWave/WaveToyC CactusWave/WaveToyCXX CactusWave/WaveToyExtra CactusWave/WaveToyF77 CactusWave/WaveToyF90 CactusWave/WaveToyFreeF90 EinsteinAnalysis/WeylScal4 ExternalLibraries/libjpeg ExternalLibraries/zlib /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cfpcossin.o): In function `cfpcossin(int const*, int const*, double*)': cfpcossin.C:(.text+0x10d): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cfrcheb.o): In function `cfrcheb(int const*, int const*, double*, int const*, double*)': cfrcheb.C:(.text+0x29e): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cfrchebi.o): In function `cfrchebi(int const*, int const*, double*, int const*, double*)': cfrchebi.C:(.text+0x316): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cfrchebp.o): In function `cfrchebp(int const*, int const*, double*, int const*, double*)': cfrchebp.C:(.text+0x2ad): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cipcossin.o): In function `cipcossin(int const*, int const*, int const*, double*, double*)': cipcossin.C:(.text+0x1ed): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(fftw_back.o): In function `back_fft(int, Tbl*&)': fftw_back.C:(.text+0xf9): undefined reference to `fftw_plan_r2r_1d' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(fftw_ini.o): In function `prepare_fft(int, Tbl*&)': fftw_ini.C:(.text+0xf6): undefined reference to `fftw_plan_r2r_1d' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cfrchebpii.o): In function `cfrchebpii(int const*, int const*, double*, int const*, double*)': cfrchebpii.C:(.text+0x32b): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' cfrchebpii.C:(.text+0x655): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cfrchebpimi.o): In function `cfrchebpimi(int const*, int const*, double*, int const*, double*)': cfrchebpimi.C:(.text+0x3b5): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' cfrchebpimi.C:(.text+0x7a5): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' cfrchebpimi.C:(.text+0xc49): undefined reference to `fftw_execute' /home/vass/Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a(cfrchebpimi.o):cfrchebpimi.C:(.text+0xf69): more undefined references to `fftw_execute' follow collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: * [/home/vass/Cactus/exe/cactus_firsttry] Error 1 make: * [firsttry] Error 2

    here, i installed lorene in an external folder (as described on their webpage) and tested the installation succesfully (by using test_fft and the other test files)... however, the same errors appear when i set cactus to manually install Lorene as opposed to using my external installation...

    best wishes,


  7. anonymous
    • removed comment

    here is my config file for cactus:

    CPP = cpp FPP = cpp CC = gcc CXX = g++ F77 = gfortran F90 = gfortran FPPFLAGS= -traditional

    CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mtune=athlon64 -O2 -DNDEBUG -pedantic -Wall -W -Wundef -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Winline -Wabi -Wold-style-cast -Woverloaded-virtual

    CXXFLAGS_G = -m64 -mtune=athlon64 -g -pedantic -Wall -W -Wundef -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Winline -Wabi -Wold-style-cast -Woverloaded-virtual


    i tried playing around and setting the FFTW3 dirs to the same values as i have in my working Lorene installation, but it still gives me the same undefined reference to fftw_execute errors when compiling the einstein toolkit...

    don't really know why, because it says it is using lorene from my external install, and the external install is working..

  8. V M reporter
    • removed comment


    it cmpiled now, I needed to add the following line to the cactus config file:

    LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lfftw3 -lm

    thanks for your help,


  9. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    The fact that this is necessary could mean that you don't have thorn FFTW3 in your thorn list. Do you?

  10. V M reporter
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:10 eschnett]:

    The fact that this is necessary could mean that you don't have thorn FFTW3 in your thorn list. Do you?

    I don't think so, no. I am using the einsteintoolkit.th thornlist, and there is no reference to FFTW3 in there..

  11. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    I meant the development version. If you are using the stable version (which is a good idea), then your configuration options are a good solution.

  12. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    We just released a new version of the Einstein Toolkit. Does this solve your issues?

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