Vectorize WeylScal4

Issue #578 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

Set UseVectors->True in WeylScal4.


Comments (6)

  1. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    Barry and I have had problems with this related to the way that the axis is handled in WeylScal4. We also have some local changes to WeylScal4 to improve this treatment (which may have been what caused the problems with vectorisation), as well as some additional features. We intended to push these to the public version but have not gotten around to it yet. Another issue is that vectorisation may not improve performance - Barry, do you remember?

  2. Barry Wardell
    • removed comment

    I think the problems we had only happened when '''both''' vectorisation was enabled and when we had our improved axis treatment. We were getting completely wrong results in that case. I don't think it happened with only vectorisation enabled but I'm not sure. Additionally, the relevant bug in the Vectors thorn has now been fixed so the problem shouldn't occur any more anyway.

    I will submit our changes to WeylScal4 for review later today.

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