Use of uninitialized value in concatenation

Issue #584 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

After failing to check out a thornlist (the current the automated build and test system re-runs GetComponents with --update. On 27-Sep-2011, this gave the error:

  Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./GetComponents line 2514.

This line seems to be

        $url = "(".$component{"URL"}.")|(".$component{"AUTH_URL"}.")";

Is the problem that SimFactory doesn't have an AUTH_URL?

I'm attaching the log of the testsuite script. I don't know if the error is serious or not, since the checkout has already failed.


Comments (3)

  1. Eric Seidel
    • removed comment

    Ian, the warning seems to be occurring in the hg subroutine for verifying that the URLs of components haven't changed, so I doubt it has anything to do with the failure to checkout SimFactory. GetComponents attempts to verify that no repos have moved before updating anything, this is to ensure that we don't accidentally pull changesets from the wrong repo. Have you been able to reproduce the issue? If so, can you rerun it with GetComponents -v? That will hopefully tell us which component is causing the issue.

    Thanks, Eric

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