Fresh compilation of McLachlan on Ranger failed with out of memory message

Issue #613 resolved
Bruno Mundim created an issue

A fresh compilation of McLachlan on Ranger failed with the following messages:

An internal threshold was exceeded for routine _Z17ML_BSSN_RHS1_BodyPK4_cGHiiPKdS3_S3_PKiS5_iPrKPd and optimization level may be reduced. An internal threshold was exceeded for routine _Z17ML_BSSN_RHS2_BodyPK4_cGHiiPKdS3_S3_PKiS5_iPrKPd and optimization level may be reduced. Fatal compilation error: Out of memory asking for 36864.

compilation aborted for /Cactus/configs/cigr_mix/build/ML_BSSN/ (code 1) gmake[3]: * [] Error 1 gmake[2]: * [make.checked] Error 2 gmake[1]: * [/Cactus/configs/cigr_mix/lib/libthorn_ML_BSSN.a] Error 2 gmake: * [cigr_mix] Error 2

I am using simfactory ranger optionlist: ranger-intel11.cfg. My bet goes for vectorization error. Any ideas?


Keyword: McLachlan

Comments (3)

  1. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    Are you using the most up-to-date version of the optionlist, and simfactory2? You should have


    If you have this setting, then it must be something else. Do you have the latest version of the Vectors thorn? I can't see anything in the optionlist which would cause this. I compile with Intel 11.1 on Datura regularly and don't have this problem.

  2. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    I built the ET on Ranger and submitted results on October 7. I updated the option list for Ranger after this.

  3. Bruno Mundim reporter
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    Ok, I was using on ranger a config file from the outdated location of simfactory2. So my config file had


    but not


    I am closing this ticket then. Thanks.

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