updating git repositories fails for git version

Issue #615 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

trying to update a git repository with GetComponents (eg. einsteintoolkit.th) I get (using :

----------------------------------------------------------------- Updating module: GetComponents from repository: git:github.com/gridaphobe/CRL.git located in: ./bin Executing: git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no In: /home/rhaas/ET_2011_10/./repos/CRL error: unknown option `porcelain' usage: git status [options] [--] <filepattern>...

-q, --quiet be quiet -v, --verbose be verbose

Commit message options -F, --file <FILE> read log from file --author <AUTHOR> override author for commit -m, --message <MESSAGE> specify commit message -c, --reedit-message <COMMIT> reuse and edit message from specified commit -C, --reuse-message <COMMIT> reuse message from specified commit -s, --signoff add Signed-off-by: -t, --template <FILE> use specified template file -e, --edit force edit of commit

Commit contents options -a, --all commit all changed files -i, --include add specified files to index for commit --interactive interactively add files -o, --only commit only specified files -n, --no-verify bypass pre-commit hook --dry-run show what would be committed --amend amend previous commit -u, --untracked-files[=<mode>] show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all) --allow-empty ok to record an empty change --cleanup <default> how to strip spaces and #comments from message

Executing: git stash In: /home/rhaas/ET_2011_10/./repos/CRL No local changes to save Executing: git remote update origin In: /home/rhaas/ET_2011_10/./repos/CRL Updating origin Executing: git branch In: /home/rhaas/ET_2011_10/./repos/CRL

  • master Executing: git pull --rebase origin master In: /home/rhaas/ET_2011_10/./repos/CRL && git checkout master Already on 'master' From git:github.com/gridaphobe/CRL
  • branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Current branch master is up to date. Executing: git checkout master In: /home/rhaas/ET_2011_10/./repos/CRL Already on 'master' Executing: git stash pop In: /home/rhaas/ET_2011_10/./repos/CRL Nothing to apply

Warning: Could not update CRL. Could not pop stashed changes. it seems the --porcelain option does not exisit in version If this affects all versions of git before as well then eg. ranger is affected.

Can the same functionality be achieved without it?


Comments (10)

  1. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    Indeed, good to know. The new version is even the default in the module system (1.6 is the one in /usr/bin). Also affects QueenBee where `soft add +git` provides git version

  2. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    I think this should be included in the release, otherwise people with old versions of git won't be able to update. I am concerned about making assumptions about the human-readable output of git status, but I think we have to live with it. I propose committing this before the release. Any objections?

  3. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    Right. 'status' is a porcelain command, and according to the manual that is "not meant to be parsed" and "susceptible to changes/evolutions". For tasks like this the plumbing commands should be used. On the other hand, the manual for git-status on option --porcelain gives the opposite impression: "Give the output in a stable, easy-to-parse format for scripts. ... guaranteed not to change in the future, making it safe for scripts". It seems like git itself isn't quite consistent here.

    The current manpage for git-status lists '-s' as alternative. Ranger doesn't seem to be available for testing and queenbee doesn't seem to have a working git help. Maybe we could use this instead of --porcelain? But that's just an observation - I would be fine with the current patch.

  4. anonymous
    • removed comment

    I didn't know that git offered a stable interface. Very nice.

    --short does not exist either. This is on bethe (git

    [rhaas@bethe CRL]$ git status --short error: unknown option `short' usage: git status [options] [--] <filepattern>...

    -q, --quiet be quiet -v, --verbose be verbose

    Commit message options -F, --file <FILE> read log from file --author <AUTHOR> override author for commit -m, --message <MESSAGE> specify commit message -c, --reedit-message <COMMIT> reuse and edit message from specified commit -C, --reuse-message <COMMIT> reuse message from specified commit -s, --signoff add Signed-off-by: -t, --template <FILE> use specified template file -e, --edit force edit of commit

    Commit contents options -a, --all commit all changed files -i, --include add specified files to index for commit --interactive interactively add files -o, --only commit only specified files -n, --no-verify bypass pre-commit hook --dry-run show what would be committed --amend amend previous commit -u, --untracked-files[=<mode>] show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all) --allow-empty ok to record an empty change --cleanup <default> how to strip spaces and #comments from message

    There is a discussion on this on stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2657935/checking-for-a-dirty-index-or-untracked-files-with-git and point 26 seems to suggest to use

    git diff-files --quiet and to check its return value. That seems to work on bethe for me.

  5. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    I was anonymous (I didn't add an extra post for that, thought my userename in the pasted output might be a dead giveaway). Oh well :-)

    Patch is attached.

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