CarpetIOASCII modification causes tests to fail

Issue #690 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

The following changeset,

changeset: 3377:2f2e12bdf05b tag: tip user: Erik Schnetter <> date: Tue Nov 15 11:59:53 2011 -0500 summary: CarpetIOASCII: Add new "compact" output format

causes the default CarpetIOASCII output format to change. Specifically,

  1. iteration 0
  2. refinement level 0 multigrid level 0 map 0 component 0 time level 0
  3. column format: 1:it 2:tl 3:rl 4:c 5:ml 6:ix 7:iy 8:iz 9:time 10:x 11:y 12:z 13:data 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 3 0 -0.473684210526316 0.0967741935483871 0 0


  1. iteration 0 time 0
  2. time level 0
  3. refinement level 0 multigrid level 0 map 0 component 0
  4. column format: 1:it 2:tl 3:rl 4:c 5:ml 6:ix 7:iy 8:iz 9:time 10:x 11:y 12:z 13:data

0 0 0 0 0 0 18 3 0 -0.473684210526316 0.0967741935483871 0 0

This causes certain test cases (I think those which do not use IO::out_fileinfo = "none") to fail. The problem is not in the modification of the comment lines, whose content is ignored by the test mechanism, but in the addition of a blank line or a comment line (the "time level 0" in the above example). The test mechanism compares files line-by-line, and so becomes out of step if additional comment or blank lines are introduced.

The attached patch modifies the test mechanism to completely ignore the presence of any blank or comment lines. With this patch, the tests bhns_eval, bhns_interp, checkpointML and recoverML now pass again.

Is this solution acceptable? Should the test mechanism be modified in a different way? Or should CarpetIOASCII be modified to produce the old format?

Keyword: testsuites Keyword: CarpetIOASCII

Comments (12)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    I was not aware that my changes modified the number of empty lines in the default output format; this should not be the case. Comment lines should be ignored when comparing output, but empty lines have meaning to gnuplot, and maybe to other tools as well.

  2. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    OK, so the best thing would be to modify the patch to skip all comment lines completely during the tests, and to modify CarpetIOASCII to omit the extra blank line.

  3. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    The attached patch ignores just comments rather than both comments and blank lines. OK to apply?

  4. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    For the record, the original carpetioascii changeset (2f2e12bdf05b) also modified one of the field separators from space to tab. I don't know if this was intentional, but the test mechanism handles this automatically (via perl's "magic" interpretation of the space character as "any whitespace" in the split function!).

  5. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    this might break some tools that actually distinguish between space and tab (cut(1) comes to mind and of course matlab's DLMREAD but that one chokes on the '#' comment anyway). Is the reason for the space->tab change that tabs should separate groups of data elements and space members of the groups?

  6. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    Yes, this is the reason. After this change, the standard and the new compact format are more uniform.

    Is this defect now corrected? The test cases pass on my system.

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