The mojave variable "thornlist" cannot deal with absolute path names; update repo fails then...

Issue #730 resolved
anonymous created an issue

Using Eclispe (indigo classic), I have tried to build with a new thornlist.

Therefore I have entered the following name in

mojave -> edit variables


Staring then "update repo"

gives me:

[1m[31mError: [0mCould not open Cactushome/alibeck/Cactus-Simfact2-NewRepos-save/Cactus/

So mojave tries to open a file called


instead of



Comments (5)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    This is the most serious ticket open, and has been open for seven months. Is Mojave a dead project? Or is this ticket's priority wrong? Or has this issue already been addressed?

  2. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    From the ticket description, it looks like there is a trivial workaround, so I don't see how it could be a "blocker". I suggest that it be demoted to "minor".

  3. Steven R. Brandt
    • removed comment

    Mojave is a live project, but somehow we've not gotten into the spirit of using Trac. Will look into it.

  4. anonymous reporter
    • removed comment

    If the user opens the .mojave.xml file inside the Cactus source tree in the project, the parameter that following the --update is currently written as Cactus/ and if you delete the Cactus/ then this option would work.

  5. anonymous reporter
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    If the user opens the .mojave.xml file inside the Cactus source tree in the project, the parameter that following the --update is currently written as Cactus/ and if you delete the Cactus/ then this option would work. For the future checkouts, I will rewrite the .mojave.xml file. I don't have permission to rewrite the file. I will request Steve to change the file.

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