Checkout/update timestamp

Issue #75 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

It would be quite useful to get an idea of when a given Cactus tree was last updated. For example, GetComponents could write some sort of log file with a timestamp, along the lines of "02-Nov-2010: 19:34: Updated from thornlist http://...". If the checkout failed, this could also be recorded there so that you know the checkout is not really up to date.


Comments (5)

  1. Eric Seidel
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    GetComponents already logs errors with a timestamp, and the error message that was produced. The logs are placed in $HOME/.crl/crl.log. I do like your idea of adding a short log message when the tree is successfully updated though.

  2. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    What is "CRL"? I understood it as "certificate revocation list". Is CRL another name for GetComponents? Why is the log stored in the home directory, rather than in the Cactus tree that is being checked out? Can the information about the logging be added to the documentation? Before I raised the ticket, I looked in the documentation to find out if there was a log file, and couldn't find anything.

  3. Eric Seidel
    • removed comment

    CRL is the Component Retrieval Language, the language we designed for writing the component lists. I thought it would make more sense to store a log of all GetComponents stuff in a central location, as opposed to having separate logs for each checkout. Also, we had talked about storing the component lists in $HOME/.crl as well, so you could just run GetComponents inside your checkout without specifying a component list, but I never had time to implement that feature.

    I didn't realize that the log is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation. I'll fix that, I want to clean it up some too.

  4. Eric Seidel
    • removed comment

    This issue has been addressed in the Git repository. The svn version will be patched following the ET_2010_11 release.

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