carpetioascii with compact_format writes wrong set of columns

Issue #902 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

For 0d output (in my case systemstatistics data) I get:

# SYSTEMSTATISTICS::PROCESS_MEMORY_MB (systemstatistics::process_memory_mb)
# column format: 1:it   2:ix    3:time  4:x     5:data
# data columns: 5:maxrss_mb 6:majflt_mb 7:arena_mb 8:ordblks_mb 9:hblks_mb 10:hblkhd_mb 11:uordblks_mb 12:fordblks_mb 13:keepcost_mb 14:swap_used_mb
3840    0       5.76    4956 23 628 0 0 651 -1189 1818 17 0
4096    0       6.144   5100 23 726 0 0 651 -1188 1915 21 0

Note that the headers claim 14 columns but counting them, there are only 13 columns. From the look of it the "x" column is absent (since 4956 makes sense for being MB of memory used and 5.76 is clearly the time)

Keyword: carpetioascii

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