Issue #922 resolved
Frank Löffler created an issue

ExternalLibraries doesn't put -L directories in GSL_LIB_DIRS, but in GSL_LIBS, thus Cactus doesn't add an -rpath thus execution fails on some machines (trestles being one).


Comments (5)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    $ svn diff Index:

    --- (revision 26) +++ (working copy) @@ -147,12 +147,15 @@

    1. Set options if [ -x ${GSL_DIR}/bin/gsl-config ]; then - # Obtain configuration options from GSL's configuration - GSL_INC_DIRS="$(echo '' $(${GSL_DIR}/bin/gsl-config --cflags) '' | sed -e 's/ -I/ /g' | sed -e 's+ -L/include + +g;s+ -L/usr/include + +g;s+ -L/usr/local/include + +g')" - # Don't try to split library directories and libraries -- just put - # everything into "libraries" - GSL_LIB_DIRS='' - GSL_LIBS="$(echo '' $(${GSL_DIR}/bin/gsl-config --libs) '' | sed -e 's/ -l/ /g' | sed -e 's+ -L/lib + +g;s+ -L/lib64 + +g;s+ -L/usr/lib + +g;s+ -L/usr/lib64 + +g;s+ -L/usr/local/lib + +g;s+ -L/usr/local/lib64 + +g')" + # Obtain configuration options from GSL's configuration: + # - for INC_DIRS, remove "standard" directories, and remove -I + # prefix from flags + # - for LIB_DIRS, remove all -l flags, and remove "standard" + # directories, and remove -L prefix from flags + # - for LIBS, keep only -l flags, and remove -l prefix from flags + GSL_INC_DIRS="$(echo '' $(${GSL_DIR}/bin/gsl-config --cflags) '' | sed -e 's+ -I/include + +g;s+ -I/usr/include + +g;s+ -I/usr/local/include + +g' | sed -e 's/ -I/ /g')" + GSL_LIB_DIRS="$(echo '' $(${GSL_DIR}/bin/gsl-config --libs) '' | sed -e 's/ -l[^ ]*/ /g' | sed -e 's+ -L/lib + +g;s+ -L/lib64 + +g;s+ -L/usr/lib + +g;s+ -L/usr/lib64 + +g;s+ -L/usr/local/lib + +g;s+ -L/usr/local/lib64 + +g' | sed -e 's/ -L/ /g')" + GSL_LIBS="$(echo '' $(${GSL_DIR}/bin/gsl-config --libs) '' | sed -e 's/ -[^l][^ ]*/ /g' | sed -e 's/ -l/ /g')" fi
    1. Pass options to Cactus
  2. Frank Löffler reporter
    • removed comment

    The patch looks good and works for lonestar and trestles. Please apply.

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