"Correct" Weyl Scalar symmetries

Issue #950 resolved
Yosef Zlochower created an issue

RotatingSymmetry180 and the ReflectionSymmetry thorns define a tensor alias "weylscalars_real", but the symmetries given there do not correspond to those of the usual re[psi0], im[psi0], re[psi1], im[psi1], etc scalars.

The Weyl symmetries as provided in RotatingSymmetry180

static int const weylparities[10][3] = {{+1,+1,+1}, {-1,-1,-1}, {+1,+1,+1}, {-1,-1,-1}, {+1,+1,+1}, {-1,-1,-1}, {+1,+1,+1}, {-1,-1,-1}, {+1,+1,+1}, {-1,-1,-1}};

The symmetries for rpsi0, ipsi0, rpsi1, ipsi1, ..., rpsi4, ipsi4

static int const weylparities[10][3] = {{+1,+1,+1}, / rpsi0 / {-1,-1,-1}, / ipsi0 / {+1,+1,-1}, / rpsi1 / {-1,-1,+1}, / ipsi1 / {+1,+1,+1}, / rpsi2 / {-1,-1,-1}, / ipsi2 / {+1,+1,-1}, / rpsi3 / {-1,-1,+1}, / ipsi3 / {+1,+1,+1}, / rpsi4 / {-1,-1,-1}}; / ipsi4 /

attached is a diff between the current ET version of the Reflection and RotatingSymmetry180 thorns and the "corrected" version.


Comments (3)

  1. Yosef Zlochower reporter
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:2 rhaas]:

    closed as duplicate (according to the reporter). It looks like symmetries still are not correct in RotatingSymmetry180 and ReflectionSymmetry

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