simfactory rev 1729 fails on lonestar

Issue #993 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

Hello all,

simfactory rev 1729 "Replace large files by hard links during cleanup" fails for me during submit on lonestar with:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/bin/../lib/", line 147, in ? main() File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/bin/../lib/", line 143, in main CommandDispatch() File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/bin/../lib/", line 105, in CommandDispatch module.main() File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/lib/", line 397, in main CommandDispatch() File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/lib/", line 376, in CommandDispatch exec("command_%s()" % command) File "<string>", line 1, in ? File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/lib/", line 213, in command_run restart.submitRun(simulationName, restart_id) File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/lib/", line 952, in submitRun restart.finish() File "/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/lib/", line 1629, in finish if not filecmp.cmp(path, oldpath, False): NameError: global name 'filecmp' is not defined

when it tries to execute:

/work/00945/rhaas/Zelmani/simfactory/bin/sim run sim --machine=lonestar --restart-id=13 --from-restart-id=12


Comments (4)

  1. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    this is tagged "major" because it caused a presubmitted set of runs to re-start running from t=0 after the first failure.

  2. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    Does adding "import filecmp" to help?

    If not, we need to disable the respective code block until we find out what is going wrong on Lonestar.

  3. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    I believe that adding this import statement corrects this problem. I could only test it in a stand-alone example, not with simfactory yet. However, I nevertheless committed this change.

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