Unexpected soapAction defined in HamtaKundInfoInteraction_6.0_rivtabp21.wsdl

Issue #2 resolved
Thomas Lindbom (Softronic) created an issue

When generating a web service client (request), with either soapUI or an IDE (e.g. NetBeans), from HamtaKundInfoInteraction_6.0_rivtabp21.wsdl the 'client' will use the urn:riv:se.apotekensservice:axs:HamtaKundInfoResponder:6 namespace in the body of the request. I.e. urn:riv:se.apotekensservice:axs:HamtaKundInfoResponder:6:HamtaKundInfo as operation in the web service call.

The soapAction in the WSDL however, is defined as urn:riv:se.apotekensservice:axs:HamtaKundInfoResponder:5:HamtaKundInfo and this will cause a client request to fail. If the generated request is modified (manually or programatically), a service call will work.

Also in the WSDL, the namespace urn:riv:se.apotekensservice:axs:HamtaKundInfoResponder:6 is used in HamtaKundInfoRequest, HamtaKundInfoResponse, ApplicationException and SystemException. As I see it, normally generated clients from WSDL should works as is but not in this case. So, how can I get this to work? Am I missing something?

In my view, changing the soapAction for operation HamtaKundInfo to version 6 (as well) seems logical and would make the generated client request to work. Finally as a work around, I can get the soapUI generated request to work by manually changing urn2 to version 5...

In the Release Notes 16.1 document, page 6, there is a section in HamtaKundInfo service describing an 'avvikelse' that somehow addresses this issue but I do not understand it.

Please get back to me as soon as possible. /Best regards Thomas Lindbom

Comments (2)

  1. Arvid Thunholm Account Deactivated

    See response from eHälsomyndigheten (in swedish) below. Seems like a manual change of the wsdl will have to be the workaround if it doesn't work with the standard WSDL in you IDE.

    Hej, Vi har fyra tjänster som har fel version i soapAction i release 16.1. Det gäller tjänsterna:

    HamtaKundInfo V6 HamtaPatientInfo V5

    HamtaApoteksinfoEget V5

    AktuellaIdnFodDatDjur V4

    Detta kommer inte att åtgärdas före nästa externa release. Ni skall använda wsdl filerna i det skick som de har publicerats.

    De releasenotes som är publicerade för 16.1 har uppdaterats för att synliggöra denna diskrepans mellan wsdl versionen och SOAPAction versionen.

    Med vänliga hälsningar Servicedesk eHälsomyndigheten

  2. Arvid Thunholm Account Deactivated

    Workaround is to edit the wsdl when implementing a client call if needed. In our internal tests it worked to use the WSDL our of the box.

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