Deterministic Hyperopt

Issue #36 resolved
Will Dabney created an issue

The parameters generated by hyperopt appear to come from a fixed seed value plus the current job id. The result is that the parameter settings considered are essentially deterministic.

The current development version of hyperopt (0.0.3-dev) in their git repository has fixed this problem, but there does not appear to be any pip based installation available yet.

It doesn't look like this is something that can easily be fixed on our side, but I just want to make you guys aware of it (in case you aren't already) because using hyperopt might yield some weird results. I can't test if this occurs on condor as well, but it happens when using joblib for parallelization.

Comments (2)

  1. Alborz Geramifard

    Thanks Will. We are moving RLPy to github. I will create an issue over there regarding your concern.

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