C++11 Dependency

Issue #7 resolved
Will Dabney created an issue

C++11 support is pretty spotty on some systems. I'm having a hell of a time getting it working on Mac OS X, for example. However, the way things are currently set up, if the cython modules do not get built (which depend upon c++11 compatibility right now) then none of the default or example scripts work.

Comments (3)

  1. Will Dabney reporter

    On Mac OS X this issue seems to boil down to there being no official release of clang that fully supports c++11. Here is what I've found that seems to be the same thing and discussion of the issues:


    clang 3.2 which is the latest supported version from apple supposedly supports C++11, which I was able to test by compiling simple programs with it with features like "auto". But, it does not have full support and that seems to be the cause of the problems.

  2. Will Dabney reporter

    I have a hackish workaround that at least allows me to compile and run RLPy on my mac, but it breaks the build on other systems.

    Currently RLPy is broken on the Mac OS X.

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