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SharePoint Holiday Loader / Change Log

2012, Release 1

Date: Mar 19, 2012

This is the third release of the SharePoint Holiday Loader and is very stable, and provides the basic functionality of taking a .hol file and loading it into a SharePoint calendar!

Improved in this release:

  • Bug fixes for some small edge cases
  • Massively improved UI
    • Looks a lot better
    • The app allows you to select country on the screen when configuring, makes bulk loading easier
    • The app allows you to select the calendar, rather than typing it in.
    • Messages window to see the error messages easily.
    • Handles different DPI better
  • A lot of internal code changes that make it easier to work with
    • Cleaned up a lot of classes that were just odd
    • Implemented on MVVM properly now
    • Removed the DevExpress requirements, this will mean contributors can join easier.

2011, Release 2

Date: Aug 31 2011

This is the second release of the SharePoint Holiday Loader and is very stable, and provides the basic functionality of taking a .hol file and loading it into a SharePoint calendar!

Improved in this is some bug fixes for edge scenarios where people were putting in data in odd ways.

2011, Release 1

Date: Feb 18 2011

This is the first SharePoint Holiday Loader and is very stable, and provides the basic functionality of taking a .hol file and loading it into a SharePoint calendar!
