CocoaAsyncSocket 7.4.3

Issue #1 closed
luca serpico created an issue

I'm having an error importing papertraillumberjack in my app,

The build fails with this message: "#import <CocoaAsyncSocket/CocoaAsyncSocket.h> CocoaAsyncSocket/CocoaAsyncSocket.h file not found” in the file “RMPaperTrailLogger.h” line 13. Looking at CocoaAsyncSocket seems that file does not exist.

Comments (3)

  1. George Malayil

    It looks like CocoaAsyncSocket have refactored their headers structure in v7.4.3. While I fix this in v0.1.4, you can workaround it by using v7.4.2. In your podfile

    pod "CocoaAsyncSocket", "7.4.2"
    pod "PaperTrailLumberjack"
  2. George Malayil

    Pushed a fix and updated version to 0.1.4. The workaround described above should no longer be necessary. However, the project now requires iOS8+, to maintain compatibility with both Carthage and CocoaPods builds

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