CocoaAsyncSockets v7.5 breaks the pod installation

Issue #5 closed
Vincil Bishop created an issue

CocoaAsyncSockets v7.5 breaks the pod installation. The dependency is set for ~> 7.4, and it should probably be ~> 7.4.0, since 7.5 removes a file that this library includes, and causes the build to fail.

#import <CocoaAsyncSocket/AsyncSocket.h> in RMPapertrailLogger.m:14

Comments (3)

  1. George Malayil

    Hi Austin,

    I just did an update to the repo to support CocoaPods 1.0.1. In my testing, it seems to work with CocoaAsyncSocket v7.5. Could you check if you have use_frameworks! enabled in your Podfile? Thanks


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