Brain Lock DC desc refer to Cha instead of Wis

Issue #124 invalid
Karagy created an issue

Screenshot from Help -> My Character Brainlock.png Same desc in spell manager.

Comments (7)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    What is the problem? Wisdom is used, not cha.

      e.saveDC = 10 + EActor->Mod(A_WIS);
  2. Karagy reporter

    More precise. Alone "Brain Lock" seems ok. But, for innated powers/spells with "Will DC", something wrong for "Will DC" calculation and description. See two savefiles in attach.

      In Orchal.sav:
    WIS: 15/00 [+2/+2]  (base 15)
    CHA: 10/00 [+0/+0]  (base 10)
    For Innate power "Blain Lock" we can see:
    "Save DC: 10 base = DC 10"
    i.e. used "+0 Cha" (stripped) instead of "+2 Wis"
      Same bug in Abrash.sav:
    WIS: 16/00 [+3/+2]  (base 16)
    CHA: 14/00 [+2/+1]  (base 14)
    For Innate spell "Calm Emotions" we can see:
    "Save DC: 10 base +2 level +2 Cha = DC 14"
    i.e. used "+2 Cha" instead of "+3 Wis"
  3. Frumple

    Right. All innate powers use charisma instead of whatever. This is true pretty much everywhere, and I could swear it says it somewhere in the manual/in game. Can't find it at the moment, though.

  4. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Is this it? If so, how should this issue be dealt with?

    <7>Charisma<5> {CH} \n__Charisma determines a character's social prowess, force of presence, leadership potential, comeliness and understanding of human relations. It influences the prices shopkeepers offer her for goods and services, and is used for calculating the save DC for mind-affecting spells and magic effects......

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