Auto-running can cause crashes

Issue #16 closed
RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner created an issue

From stored old bug tracker.

With Stop Running at Corners turned off, running at the edge of a room that looks something like this...

####.#### #.......# #.......# #.......# #########

...will cause the character to run theoretically forever; the game crashes before this goes on for very long, though. Stop Running at Intersections doesn't appear to do anything about this. I got this to happen easiest within the starting room.

Comments (6)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    Stop running at corners is turned off by default, and stop running at intersections on by default. I ran in the starting room for several minutes to no effect. This is presumed to be fixed, or an Allegro bug that has gone away.

  2. Georgy Vlasov

    But it is reproducible:

    1. Load the save attached
    2. Run north by pressing colon up_arrow
    3. Infinite running!
    4. Press Esc to stop infinite running.
  3. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    Just to be clear, step 5 is that the game crashes, not just that there is infinite running?

    In future, please compress the save files. The reason I request this is that I am on mobile broadband and Incursion related usage costs me a decent amount of money. Thanks in advance!

  4. Georgy Vlasov

    Oops, I misunderstood the major point of the issue. No, it doesn't crash. At least in a real-world minute or so of running.

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