Bodak's Death Gaze affects characters who closed their eyes

Issue #161 invalid
Vasiliy Kardanov created an issue

Death Gaze is a gaze attack, yet it works against characters who are averting their eyes or closed them.

Comments (5)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    If I avert my eyes, there is a 50% chance that a gaze attack will work. If I close my eyes, I was not even attacked.

    This was reproduced by using wizard mode, and spawning a 'blurry eye'. Then either cornering it in a dead end and attacking with eyes closed, or waiting with eyes closed, and seeing nothing happen. Opening eyes, and averting them, and debugging and seeing that the 50% chance of hit worked fine.

  2. Vasiliy Kardanov reporter

    This issue is bodak-specific, tho. I just tried to spawn a bodak in 9Y14 and it killed me with its gaze attack, even though I closed my eyes.

  3. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Ah, sorry, clearly didn't read hard enough.

    A bodak death gaze is a necromantic blast attack, so my assumption isn't that it is a normal gaze attack, like from an eye. Personally, I think closing or averting eyes, should only work for certain gaze attacks where it makes logical sense - otherwise gaze attacks are like some weird believable illusion that only work if you make eye contact. It's a nice roguelike conceit to have it in the simplistic way it is, but I wonder whether something more believable is better.

  4. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    I've posted on bay12 proposing to make a general change to gaze attacks. Depending on the result, I will make changes.

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