Running system is dumb. Why not just copy what exists in DCSS or Angband?

Issue #181 new
Georgy Vlasov created an issue

First, running is not convenient when using the roguelike keyset: a colon has to be pressed with the same hand that presses hjklyubn. Second, the running algorithm itself is flawed. It may make your character run in circles. There is a running system in DCSS that is perfect in all the ways possible: Shift+Direction makes you move in a straight line until there is some uncertainty in where you'd like to move next, and also while holding shift prevents you completely from moving when there are enemies around, so you can hjklyubn-mash without any fear to overlook an encounter. The current system in Incursion is simply worse.

Comments (2)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Thanks for the enhancement report. I have created issue #182 for the bug with running in circles.

    If at some stage in the future, changes to the running system other than bug fixes are made, this will be taken into account. Note that this enhancement issue is the only mention of desire for change so far. Rewriting the running system is a huge piece of work compared to bug fixes to the existing system, so if in the meantime you consider the keyset problem a bug, please create an issue for it.

  2. dck k

    Terrain, traveling needs and monster relevance is a lot different in Incursion than it is in DCSS, as are the basic goals of the games to begin with. If one introduced SS's extremely conservative autorun in Incursion the final effect would be that the command is rendered useless because it would just be stopping all the time for reasons of questionable relevance.

    Also Incursion's autorun stop rules can be tweaked in the options menu and indeed, the running command can also be made into shift+direction right now by going into the options and changing the "Shift arrow keys" option from its default "Ranged attack" to "Run". Perhaps the default should be changed, but I personally see no need for that.

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