Change to amount of enemy spawns and band size relative to dungeon depth.

Issue #184 new
dck k created an issue

Perhaps not the sort of change development should be concerned with as of now, but I would like to address this as I feel a lot could be gained in this transition through relatively small changes:

Incursion starts out with very reasonable monster band sizes and general enemy headcount and increases on it as one goes down the dungeon. Nothing wrong with that, but the numbers of enemies, bands abundance and overall generation in certain zones just looks like it never stops going up.

It starts getting quite ridiculous once you go past 70m, veritably having the dungeon toss out hundreds of monsters on certain rooms like abandoned temples and labyrinths. At first it's a bit of a coinflip between whether you get certain rooms or not, but even should you get lucky early on and not get any of those, the more "normal" generation zones that have things like over 40 elementals by 90m and such still feel greatly excessive.

Now I don't mean things like troll caves having a silly amount of trolls are bad, just like dragon caves are fine with their amount of dragons. But I think it's not good that these particular places that are meant to be crowded just seem mundane because of there being so much stuff walking around everywhere else.

I believe this detracts both from the effective tactical depth of the late game, too (because just keeping track of what everything is doing every turn is a very active and demanding task), as well as reducing the impact Murgash's camp has on the player since he's more likely than not already used to dealing with twice as many monsters per level. Lastly and perhaps less importantly, it also greatly changes the way Nightmare mode is played since once around half of the dungeon has been explored the focus shifts rather dramatically from dealing with certain enemies that are obvious threats to having swarms and more swarms of threats which you have no real reason to fight, so you might as well just dive more.

In truth, both in nightmare mode and in baseline, the final effect this monster generation appears to have on the game is just encouraging diving once one has hit certain statuses of power. This seems like a missed opportunity to me, when simply maintaining the spawn rates from 60m< for most zones would likely yield more interesting gameplay that allows one to continue to exploit the myriad of varied options Incursion has to offer, give the player less of a reason to completely skip levels or just dive and indeed cut out a decent chunk of the experience and consumables overabundance that seems to be become more prevalent deeper into the dungeon.

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