Using Flawless Dodge crashes the game

Issue #232 resolved
Jolo Lim created an issue

It can happen either when you run out of uses or it dodges the first attack.

Comments (9)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Reproduction instructions are required. That is, how to get from loading the save file to the problem occurring. Without these steps, I could spend years not doing whatever not mentioned special steps are required.

  2. Jolo Lim reporter

    It seems to happen very consistently for me. Like, just go and try to use it until it runs out and if it doesn't crash while it's being used it'll crash when it runs out almost every time.

  3. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Is this related to the flawless dodge crash? Is it Y18, or yesterday's Y19 release?

    Please be aware that there's a lot to do for Incursion, and many of the bug reports are vaguer than yours, and often I can spend half an hour finding no problem, for a bug report that suggests that for the reporter it is as simple as trying some simple thing. So in order to prevent burn out, I need to get as much solid information as possible before looking into bugs to ensure I don't flail around helplessly when I try and reproduce the problem.

  4. Jolo Lim reporter

    Yes it is. Also, I set the version on the bug report to Y18 when I submitted this bug in the first place and would not post anything unrelated to it here.

    EDIT: Just is case it's my copy of it that's simply broken, here's my installation of the game which consistently crashes with any character I make whenever I use flawless dodge. Tends to happen in the middle of flawless dodge, while I'm using it, and specially when I completely run out of uses. Happens more when actually getting attacked and it takes effect.

  5. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Is the crash seen in the screenshot that happens every time the new save file is loaded, the exact same crash you see when flawless dodge fails? The reason I ask is that if a save file crashes on loading, then things were probably already broken earlier before the save file was made, and it may just be noise after the main problem.

  6. Jolo Lim reporter

    The thing is, I get a lot of different errors when using flawless dodge in general. Always seems to give me a different one but I know it's related to flawless dodge because with any other action I take, the game is relatively stable then it starts going nuts when I use it. So there might be about 3 or 4 more different errors that you can get when using it. I'll try to get screenshots of all of them.

  7. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    I reproduced this in Y18, and then went to port the fix to Y19 and found it had already been fixed. I think it was fixed as part of the code-base cleanup done at some point. The bug was that an argument wasn't passed into a function and it could cause unexpected behaviour.

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