Light level is shown when inspecting ground

Issue #260 new
bork created an issue

Having picked up some enchanted armor that emitted radiant light, when inspecting the ground (via toubletapping L, then pressing X), "quality::radiant" is listed as one of the results with "(Resource Zero)" as it's description.

Save file attached with armor already equipped.

Comments (1)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Notes for a future fix:

    The Examine dialog as implemented in TextTerm::ExamineSquare includes all fields which are not flags as FI_SIZE but are perceivable as per PerceiveField(), but in the case of the randomly assigned radiant quality this shows as "quality::radiant" as that is the name of the effect (f->eID) associated with the field.

    The question is, why do we list fields? And are there any fields that benefit from being listed?

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