not playable in wine: 100% cpu usage when focused + slow input

Issue #272 wontfix
Winston Weinert created an issue

The game seems to run very slowly - it is very possible this is a wine related issue - but I figure I'd open a ticket in case somebody who knows how to run a profiler on the game in wine would like to investigate this :)

I know this is windows only, but typically things tend to work pretty well in wine. For comparison, brogue - which also uses libtcod - doesn't appear to spin cpu usage or have input latency issues in wine.

Using wine-3.9 (Staging) with a clean prefix.

Comments (3)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    There is 0% chance this will ever be looked into. Incursion lacks programmers, let alone people who care about luxuries like Wine.

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