Autopickup is irreversably broken under certain conditions

Issue #273 new
Brian Hill created an issue

Things that seem to be causing it: 1. You reach dungeon level 2 or greater 2. You change an option

In the save attached, I changed the pile sorting option to QUALITY from TYPE and it immediately broke autopickup. It also seems to pretty reliably break if you set the difficulty to challenge (again, depth 20+).

When broken, it cannot be restored, even by setting the option back. I do not know when this began, but I DO know it isn't present in v 6.9.y11, but IS present in y14, y18 and y19 (these are all the versions I possess).

The attached file is a test case. It worked fine until I changed that setting. Now, if you try to F8 pickup an item, it doesn't error, but it doesn't pick it up either. Have confirmed it also fails with other race/class/god combos.

Comments (1)

  1. Brian Hill reporter

    Update: This may just be random, or savegame corruption. I just had it happen on L3, but L2 worked fine. Nothing in my game options changed, I simply went to a new level, tried to autoloot, and it just failed.

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