Space registering twice in options menu

Issue #45 duplicate
K M created an issue

Certain options in the options menu no longer work. By trial and error, I think I've found out why.

Options which have only two states - ON/OFF, YES/NO - go back to the original almost immediately, the change only blinks for a brief moment. Options which have several possibilities do work at first glance. Looking closer, it seems that SPACE keypress is registered twice.

Easiest to reproduce - take Elude Death option. It now goes NO - THREE - NO DEATH - ONE - SEVEN, and it was what clued me in. (It should go NO - ONE - THREE - SEVEN - NO DEATH, you can see that it 'skips' one step)

Made me a little angry, as I use rerolling and roll first options.

EDIT 4: Whoops, already reported and fixed, I took the liberty of marking as duplicate :)

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