"At Your Feet" Information Not Showing Without Lightsource

Issue #47 new
Stone Dog created an issue

Usually at the bottom of the screen, next to the location info (i.e. "The Goblin Caves: Entry Chamber") you can see in parenthesis whatever object your character is standing on. If you don't have a lightsource equipped this will not show. I'm not sure if this is intended behaviour or not.

Also, I can't "add" this issue to v0.6.9Y5, it isn't showing in the drop-down menu.

Comments (5)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    When you make a pull request, put something like "closes #issuenumber" where obviously issuenumber is 47 in this case. this will when the pull request is accepted, add a changeset link to the relevant issue and close it.

  2. Carl Minden

    ok thanks for the info, this is the first time ive really contributed to a bitbucket project, ill try to get it better next time :)

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