Spell: Contagion diseases appear to not progress on enemies

Issue #77 new
Frumple created an issue

As per title. Diseases inflicted with the spell (possibly diseases in general) appear to not be progressing -- inflicting addition fort saves, doing stat damage, etc.

In the attached save, the character has contagion learned and there are two nearby elven cats. The hostile one has already been inflicted with several contagion-produced diseases and left to sit for about fifty turns, with no apparent stat damage incurred (checking with the wizard-mode "Examine Nearby Things" command). The non-hostile cat has not yet been infected with anything, for a clean testing target. Contagion can also be self-targeted, for test against the player character.

With some further testing, waiting another 150 turns (to ensure all the inflicted diseases have a chance to tick) continues to produce no effect. Inflicting the player character with the diseases and waiting for one to tick over did, however, cause a point of stat damage to the infected cat. Interestingly, the stat damaged was for the same disease that was rolled against for the player.

Conjecture: It may be at enemy diseases only run their check when identical player-infected diseases do.

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