Spell: Telekinesis bugs

Issue #84 new
Frumple created an issue
  1. Attempting combat maneuvers at range via sustained force can cause you to attempt attacks of opportunity on yourself.
  2. If when using bull rush, you choose to displace or move past, you will teleport to (or past, in the case of moving past) your target. Pushing forward moves you one square toward the target, but otherwise does nothing.
  3. Despite the description, you cannot kick at a distance, nor can you open doors.
  4. While using handle device while under the effects of sustained force allows you to target distant traps, it doesn't actually do anything once you've done so. No handle device check is made, and nothing happens to the trap.

Attached character has the spell learned and active, and is within striking distance of a number of targets to test the combat maneuvers on -- trip, in particular, is good at causing you to make AoOs on yourself -- as well as the surrounding pantheon to test kicking and opening doors. There's a kobold warren in the north-eastern corner of the map with a number of traps, to test the ranged handle device functionality.

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