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soapUITools / Home


These are wiki pages for stoolz or soapUI tools.

What is it?

It is set of utilities, helpers and scripts that should help use Groovy in more cleaner and easier way. It relies on soapUI API ( core and pro ), Groovy and additional utilies.


You can download sources and/or just jar file. Jar file include source files.


Downloaded jar file put in soapui.home/ext folder, while additional dependencies needs to be in soapui.home/../lib folder. You can check list of all dependencies here.

Building stoolz

When you clone git repository, you should have gradle wrapper in it. Look for gradlew or gradlew.bat. What will you use depends on OS you are using ( unix like use gradlew while Windows uses gradlew.bat ). For start just do:


This should download all required dependencies. With

gradlew tasks

see what are all available tasks. There are added idea and eclipse plugins. Spock is used for testing.

Usage and examples


List of utilities


Other pages
