Create some automated builds and tests.

Issue #12 open
Robert Massaioli repo owner created an issue

We need to be able to tell that the code works as we expect. Create some test cases to meet the needs of our users. Some things that would work well as automated tests:

  • Different Database test cases.
  • Fundamental base code.

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Massaioli reporter

    I shall comment on the places that can use some good test cases over time:

    • HTTP Messages Code. We should test our parsing abilities so that we know we are doing it right.
    • Common.h We should test all of the common code. Every single file in there should be robust and reuseable.
  2. Robert Massaioli reporter

    Fuppes already has some test cases inside it. Take a good look at them and work out how to keep everything from them.

  3. Robert Massaioli reporter
    • changed status to open

    I have decided that I am going to get a test framwork setup as early as possible and just make it common practice to test my changes.

  4. Robert Massaioli reporter

    Turns out that boost has a test module. I am setting up the code to use boost::test.

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