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fuppes-fork / Developing Fuppes

This is the page you want if you have just started developing on fuppes and you want to know how to compile and run the code. Ideally we want the compilation and running of the code to be a one step process so if you discover that this is not the case please help us work on the files in the 'scripts' directory until you can run the entire build as a one step process.


Fuppes has quite a number of dependencies. There are two types of dependencies in fuppes, the ones that are required to build fuppes core and the ones that are required to build the fuppes plugins. In order to see the list of dependencies that are required the please look an the root "CMakeLists.txt" file and you will see that there is a section called "required packages". That section will always be kept upto date and, above all else, should be used as the source of truth as to what packages are required and optional in order to build fuppes and its plugins.

But, until fuppes is packaged, we fully expect everybody to be compiling fuppes from source. Therefore, we have created some per-platform scripts that will install the dependencies for your platform. For example, on ubuntu you can just type in:

bash scripts/install_dependencies/ubuntu.bash 

And that will install all of the ubuntu dependencies for you.

NOTE: As of the current time of writing there ubuntu is the only distribution that is supported like this. The next one that I would really like to get is Windows and then OSX. If you get fuppes compiling for either of those platforms then can you please make one of these install dependencies scripts.


The steps required to compile the source code can be read from the README file. I will not duplicate that information here. After all, duplicating information is bad.

TODO Link to the readme file from here.
