Extend the library to handle any type of Riff file.

Issue #4 resolved
Robert Massaioli repo owner created an issue

The RIFF file format is just a container format that can handle a great deal of data. It really is just a format for specifying nested chunks of data. Interestingly, these chunks of data don't really need to have any internal structure so they could contain anything. I should refactor my code such that it separates the parts of the code that are RIFF specific and the parts that are WAVE specific. That way I can have them as two separate libraries and support many more formats that are contained inside RIFF.

This is a massive task and is not likely to be done for the early versions of the project.

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Massaioli reporter

    Lol, jokes on me. Looking back it is only natural that I do this. Trying to conflate these two different ideas only makes my life harder. It is amazing how much more you learn in a mere year of development. As a result I have actually made the riff library and released it to hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/riff-

    I now just need to integrate it into this library. Honestly, looking at the code and the current way it is structured I probably need to rewrite most of it anyway.

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