Cannot run ""

Issue #2 closed
Wiriya Phongchittham created an issue

[python-3.7.0 on window 10]

C:\Programs\WebDemo-20150901\WebDemo>python demoapp/
  File "demoapp/", line 34
    print 'Demo server starting on port %d.' % self.server_address[1]
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('Demo server starting on port %d.' % self.server_address[1])?

Comments (2)

  1. Samu Saukkonen

    Hi Wiriya,

    It seems you have an older version of the WebDemo as in the current version the erroneous line is:

    print('Demo server starting on port %d.' % self.server_address[1])

    You should try to pull the most recent version and try to re-run the application.

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