Match content between SIGNATURE and distribution files

Issue #10 resolved
Roland van Ipenburg created an issue

The MANIFEST is somehow changed after signing?

Comments (5)

  1. Roland van Ipenburg reporter

    The MANIFEST we create and ship has SIGNATURE added by Module::Build at the end of the file. In the downloaded package that is the same when we run cpansign, so that verifies OK. But when we run “./Build test” something is reordering the lines in the MANIFEST file, messing up the signature.

  2. Roland van Ipenburg reporter

    So why is Test::Signature reordering the SIGNATURE file? “./Build test --test_files t/00_signature.t”

  3. Roland van Ipenburg reporter

    This is caused by making “test” depend on “manifest” in Build.PL, so when the test is started the MANIFEST is recreated before the tests are run. And while the entries are the same the order is then changed so the signature is invalidated.

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