Make en-GB-x-Hixie fall back to en-GB

Issue #1 resolved
Roland van Ipenburg created an issue

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Comments (3)

  1. Roland van Ipenburg reporter

    Should HTML::Hyphenate do this, or should TeX::Hyphen::Pattern do this? Depends on what domain defines how the language might be specified. We have the HTML and the TeX domain that are both based on . It would be nice if I18N::LangTags could help us out here, but if upstream has tags that are invalid that doesn’t help us much. In the documentation of TeX::Hyphen::Pattern we already say the label isn’t a LangTag but a pattern, coming from the hyphenation domain. So we keep that functioning as documented, and fix this in the HTML domain that adheres more to the LangTag domain because when it’s used in HTML it might also affect other characteristics of the information so conflicting labels from different domains are a problem in this module, not in the pattern module.

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