vehicleSpawn position "Y" problem

Issue #24 closed
athert created an issue

when i spawn vehicles on serverInit i must set "y" on police vehicle id 119 set lower about 1.2 (so.. normal vehicle are for example -6.81.. but with vehicle 119 i must set Y value to -8). I dont know if its some glitch in spawning or just "really bad car" and its not some brutal fail so i set minor priority to this bug.

Comments (4)

  1. Aleksi Hulkkonen

    This is probably a problem with the car model/config itself and not LHMP. Thanks for reporting :)

  2. athert reporter

    Ok, i report it "just in case" :) Maybe will be good create some information about "unusual" mafia glitch so other server creators will know about that :) Thanks for your quick respond on all my bugs! Closed. :)

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