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RtsPlayMakerActions / Action / BeginBulkEdit

Begin Bulk Edit

Begins bulk painting and/or erasing of tiles.

When painting large numbers of oriented tiles it is possible that tiles will be repainted multiple times as their orientation changes. Painting game objects can be a slow process and thus bulk painting performance can be improved by deferring tile creation until all changes have been made.

This action replicates functionality of TileSystem.BeginBulkEdit.

Screenshot of action user interface.


It is important to make use of the action End Bulk Edit once you have finished painting and/or erasing tiles so that changes can be realised.

The bulk editing of tiles can be nested to defer tile creation until all bulk editing modes have been ended. It is vital that End Bulk Edit is executed for each time Begin Bulk Edit is executed.

Input Variables

Tile System Component : Rotorz.Tile.TileSystem
Tile system of which to edit.
