Floating Vs Flying

Issue #16 resolved
Former user created an issue

When using the setup like you provided in your demo, the fake players don't turn to navigate. Maybe that's just something with "SetMoveTarget" or maybe it's just how it works. They only time they will turn at all is if there is a target, otherwise they just drift through the coarse without movement. Would be great to have them facing forward to the direction the are moving, or reversed depending on the shortest rotation or compensate / choose the best direction to go through when engaged with a target.

Comments (2)

  1. roxxkatt repo owner

    there should be a lookattarget(x,y)
    if there isnt already, i know for sure it rotates ship while firing
    what i do is set a null gun with fire rate 10cs with 500px radius to look at nearest player

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