Physical combat spells have a damage value of x.5

Issue #54 resolved
Mark created an issue

If i change the type to “mana” damage changes to “3”

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Prelle

    The base damage of physical combat spell is MAGIC / 2 and it seems I forgot to round the result.

  2. macskay

    We need to differntiate here:

    • The base damage of an indirect combat damage spell is Math.ceil(MAGIC / 2) (p.137 of the German Core Rulebook)

    Ist dein Zauber erfolgreich, ist der Schaden gleich deiner Magie / 2 (aufgerundet) + Nettoerfolge + Schaden durch Hochdrehen.

    • The base damage of an direct combat spell is not existing (p. 136 of the German Core Rulebook). If the net successes are zero the damage is only the damage gained from a possible “Amp up”. So the damage is only net successes + damage from amping up.

    Ist dein Zauber erfolgreich, werden die Nettoerfolge zum Schaden und zu eventuellem zusätzlichem Schaden durch Hochdrehen des Zaubers addiert. Ist der Zauber erfolgreich, aber du erzielst keine Nettoerfolge, ist der Schaden des Zaubers gleich dem Schaden durch Hochdrehen (sofern du diese Anpassung zuvor gewählt hat).

    Whether a spell is of type Physical or Mana does NOT alter any damage output. See section about spell description (p.134 in the German Core Rulebook). The “type” section does not mention any damage alterations in this section.

    However the problem still persists that the damage is not rounded. While testing I found that the mix up between direct/indirect and physical/mana also persisted in the code. In an upcoming PR I tackle this and also adjust the code so the damage of a spell can be directly applied after casting, defending and soaking.

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