Notifications API

Issue #11 resolved
Daníel Sigurgeirsson created an issue

Each user should have a notifications resource:


Each notification should have the following properties:

  • ID (int)
  • Text (string)
  • Read (bool)
  • DateCreated (DateTime)
  • Type (enum)
  • CreatorSSN (string)

or at least something similar to this.

There should be support for GET (10 latest by default, plus older if requested separately), and PUT on the Read property (probably just /api/v1/my/notifications/{id} - PUT with no parameters, since there is nothing else which can be edited).

Then there should be a general resource for notifications (probably /api/v1/notifications), where we can add notifications of various types. I.e. it should be possible to create a notification targeted towards a certain group (a given courseinstance, all members of staff in a given department office, etc.), this resource would then figure out behind the scenes what users are in the group, and post the notification to each user.

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